O.K., It's HERF time in Hotlanta.
April 25th -- Old Boar's Herf @ MARDI GRAS, 6300 Power Ferry Rd, 770-955-1638, 7 p.m., must have pass, tell door person your there for "The Old Boars" Par-tey if you do not have a pass, turn left, go straight to Mezzanie Bar, Each and every LAP DANCE you buy you get a FREE CIGAR, 5$ Hawaiian Shooters.
May 4th -- Kentucky Derby Herf @ WiseAsh Cigars north of I-285, on left side on Cobb Pkwy, Horse Racing, Cigars, Mint Julips, Specials for Liers and Cheaters, and those that bring their Mardi Gras Old Boar's Par-tey Passes.
May 5th -- CINCO de MAYO Herf @ CHONAS MEXICAN GRILL, 1032 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite 301, Huntcrest Shopping Center, Lawrenceville, 678-847-0072. Great SpecIal Drinks, Food. Eat, Drink, Trade and meet Bonnie. A STINKY ASHTRAY raffle also. Come early, seats are first come, first seated on the Patio
May 25th -- FULL MOON HERF @ CHONAS, same as above. Come and Howl at the FULL MOON that rises between 9 and 10 that night. Goodies as usual will be RAFFLED off (a STINKY ASHTRAY or two), profits go to "WOUNDED WARRIOR PROFECT."

April 25th -- Old Boar's Herf @ MARDI GRAS, 6300 Power Ferry Rd, 770-955-1638, 7 p.m., must have pass, tell door person your there for "The Old Boars" Par-tey if you do not have a pass, turn left, go straight to Mezzanie Bar, Each and every LAP DANCE you buy you get a FREE CIGAR, 5$ Hawaiian Shooters.
May 4th -- Kentucky Derby Herf @ WiseAsh Cigars north of I-285, on left side on Cobb Pkwy, Horse Racing, Cigars, Mint Julips, Specials for Liers and Cheaters, and those that bring their Mardi Gras Old Boar's Par-tey Passes.
May 5th -- CINCO de MAYO Herf @ CHONAS MEXICAN GRILL, 1032 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite 301, Huntcrest Shopping Center, Lawrenceville, 678-847-0072. Great SpecIal Drinks, Food. Eat, Drink, Trade and meet Bonnie. A STINKY ASHTRAY raffle also. Come early, seats are first come, first seated on the Patio
May 25th -- FULL MOON HERF @ CHONAS, same as above. Come and Howl at the FULL MOON that rises between 9 and 10 that night. Goodies as usual will be RAFFLED off (a STINKY ASHTRAY or two), profits go to "WOUNDED WARRIOR PROFECT."
