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Hillbilly HERF


For once, knowledge is making me poor!
Mar 7, 2007
@jfields , @thinde , and I rented cabins deep in the mountains of W. Va. for four days and had a great time despite the hurricane giving us a lot of rain. We erected a tarp and were able to sit by a fire, with tunes, day and night. There were several highlights, awesome food, awesome beers, and incredible cigars.

Thank you my brothers for a great time!

This story can never express the true experience that Tom and I had! But I will try!

The last hour and ten minutes of the trip to the cabins, coming from the north, as Tom and I were, was on dirt road. As the crow flies, it is 14 miles from route 33, you see in the first pic, to the cabins, but an hour and 10 minute ride.

In the second pic below you can see where we were coming from by the blue arrow, my GPS instructs me to turn left onto forest road 463 (red arrow) which I did. The dirt roads you see in the second pic represent about 20% of the roads which were actually there. 100 yards after I turned left on 463, there was a National Forest gate across the road.

As I am coming back out, I see a vehicle pull off the road ahead of me, it was Tom ..... he had tried the same thing. We laughed and chatted for a minute and discussed what to do next. My car GPS showed "most of" the roads we came across, and being familiar with how roads are constructed/maintained in a National Forest, I suggested we try one that seemed to go in the general direction we needed. After coming to several dead ends and having to find a place to turn around each time, we tried one more road that looked promising, it made a giant (45 minute) loop and was bringing us back close to where this all began. BUT ..... when we got ten feet from the road we were on an hour and a half ago, there is a gate across the road!

We back up for a mile or so until we could turn around and Tom was determined to go back to the paved road an hour away, I was determined to find a way out. Eventually Tom sees a truck following us and suggests we ask them ....... this is where it gets good! Tom jumps out and approaches the truck, a hillbilly gets out of the truck and if you look at the third picture, you will get a sense for what was coming ......except, the hillbilly had a Bud Light in his hand, a fifty pound gut, no shirt, and only one tooth ...... if I'm lyin, I'm dyin!

Tom says, in his New York accent ..... "you guys know where Middle Mountain Road is?" My mind went straight to the forth picture and I thought "I don't have to outrun the hillbilly, I just have to outrun Tom"!

I couldn't let Tom go on so I jumped in and asked if they could direct us to Middle Mountain Cabins, the hillbilly says "what dah fuck yall doin here?" I explained that we rented the cabins and our GPS took us to closed road, the hillbilly says "we was just wantin dah know what dah fuck yall was doin in here?" Again ..... I explained. The hillbilly proceeds to tell us he was about the lock the gate and we would have been in there forever. Knowing that only certain people have the authority to lock and unlock gates in a Nation Forest, I was growing tired of his BS and asked if he could just tell me how to get to Middle Mountain Road? The hillbilly hims and haws for a while, and says "foller me, I take yah out ah here".

We proceed to follow him for 30 minutes and he stopped and got out of the truck, walks up to me ...... way too close ..... with his one tooth poking out, and says "yall wanna go to the cabins?" I'm thinking "we've already had this discussion four times" but what I said was "can you just tell me how to get to Middle Mountain Road?" Again he says "foller me". At this point I am truly getting nervous and I am reaching into the back seat to find my backpack which had my Glock and ammo, but it's buried, the best I could do was to put a hunting hat on. He drives for another 20 minutes and pulls over at the intersection of Middle Mountain Road, I pulled up beside him in such a way that he could not pin me in and again he says "yall is lucky, I coulda closed that gate and yall would never get out" ..... to which I responded "oh, are you the one in charge of the gates, cause there are hundreds of them?" He said "no but I coulda closed it and yall would never get out." I thanked him and drove away, I was certain we would be getting an unwelcome visit at some point!

To summarize, when Tom and I met at roughly 2:15, we were two miles from the cabins, we arrived at 5:00.




Sounds like you need to get one of those magnets for a handgun under the dash for your middle of no where adventures. Ain’t gon’ do you no good tucked away in the back seat. At least a bridge didn’t collapse on you this time…
LOL!!!! That sounds like quite the adventure! I know I speak for everyone when I say I am thankful this is the only "experience" you posted about from that weekend trip.
@CigarStone so was that the guy who locks the gates or not?!?!
I doubt it Jon, In a National Forest there are several "official" people who have that ability. Forest Ranger, logging drivers, well service drivers, etc. Hillbillies, not so much. I'm pretty sure he just wanted to throw his weight around and scare us city folk.:)
LOL!!!! That sounds like quite the adventure! I know I speak for everyone when I say I am thankful this is the only "experience" you posted about from that weekend trip.
Chad, you seem to have the wrong idea about what we do when we get together. I know you are a sick fuck like me but you can stop dreaming about me/John out in the woods.:)

Think about the great food, beer, cigars, fellowship, etc. and get your mind out of the gutter!😎