For the month of May I have decided to discount 3 great products.
Henry's Cigar Correction Tools 15% OFF - As alot of folks here know this is a great tool to have on hand to save those cigars we get that have a hard to miserable draw. A few seconds of work with the Henry's Cigar Tool will fix it and you can enjoy that cigar. Just one or two "saves" and the tool is paid for.
Henry's Cigar Tool
Blazer PB207cr torch lighter and Z-Plus Insert 10% OFF - The PB207 is probably one of the best lighters for a few reason. It has an unsurpassed butane tank that holds a ton of butane and it is great in the wind with a good torch flame. The Z-Plus insert will work in any Zippo or similar case giving you that vintage look with a fine torch lighter inside.
Blazer Lighters
Henry's Cigar Correction Tools 15% OFF - As alot of folks here know this is a great tool to have on hand to save those cigars we get that have a hard to miserable draw. A few seconds of work with the Henry's Cigar Tool will fix it and you can enjoy that cigar. Just one or two "saves" and the tool is paid for.
Henry's Cigar Tool
Blazer PB207cr torch lighter and Z-Plus Insert 10% OFF - The PB207 is probably one of the best lighters for a few reason. It has an unsurpassed butane tank that holds a ton of butane and it is great in the wind with a good torch flame. The Z-Plus insert will work in any Zippo or similar case giving you that vintage look with a fine torch lighter inside.
Blazer Lighters