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Guys you need to stop throwing out the babies...


Bratwurst and Beer
Oct 6, 2005
Come on we were all n00bs at one time or another.

Lets ease back on the (for example)




answers to people who haven't shown that they are deserving of a beat-down.

Remember Rod's welcome on the index page of Cigar Pass...

Welcome to CigarPass™
The Internet's Friendliest Cigar Community​

lets prove the boss man right 'K? And stop stomping on every new guy that asks a question we've heard before. Hell it might even have been us who asked it the first time a few years ago. :cool:

Can we still thread jack? :D
This is not the correct forum to ask about Thread Jacking! Use SEARCH to find the correct forum!

actually I do see his point it has been harsh lately and yes some of them deserved it but we as a community have been a bit more cynical lately. Not a lot of outright flames but definitely a bit harsh.
I think some of what you see is a noob getting thrown against the wall to see if he sticks or will bounce. However, I have to agree that most looks to me to be just rude.
Repeat after me:
"I solemnly swear to always scream STFU nOOB first, and ask questions second. Ban 'em all, and let Rod sort them out."

Come on now, I agree that of course we ought treat new and inexperienced members with decency. Reminding someone that search exists (in a relatively harmless way) or pointing them to the right forum isn't being unfriendly. How many people here started in the wrong thread and stuck around? I know I did. What we need is to be EVEN HARDER on the one whop, after being politley corrected, prove themselves to be incapable of learning or taking firendly advice. They should be banned, then tracked down and have the word dOOn tattoed on their forehead so they always remember this day when they look in the mirror.
Repeat after me:
"I solemnly swear to always scream STFU nOOB first, and ask questions second. Ban 'em all, and let Rod sort them out."

Come on now, I agree that of course we ought treat new and inexperienced members with decency. Reminding someone that search exists (in a relatively harmless way) or pointing them to the right forum isn't being unfriendly. How many people here started in the wrong thread and stuck around? I know I did. What we need is to be EVEN HARDER on the one whop, after being politley corrected, prove themselves to be incapable of learning or taking firendly advice. They should be banned, then tracked down and have the word dOOn tattoed on their forehead so they always remember this day when they look in the mirror.
What do you have against the one whop? :laugh:

That wasn't the thread I was referring to AVB, in fact I didn't even see your post, but do you agree that you were kinda gruff in your reply?

I'm not trying to single anyone out, in fact I have told more than one person (who is no longer with us) to use search in the last month or so. I'm only trying to say that it shouldn't become our Mantra.

This is a great community of very friendly and more importantly knowledgeable cigar smokers. All I'm asking is we give the newbies a bit more leeway before we click a claymore on them.
Where this is happening?

You forgot the :sign: Gary... ;)

I'm quite sure you know what I'm talking about.


The above linky's show that within a couple weeks...the same question was asked.

If you have an issue, why not PM the indivdual? If it's a broader concern....maybe it's just that time of the month (read 'cyclical').

I'm quite sure if you 'search' you'll see that what you've brought up has been discussed before. ;)

:cool: :D
No, I don't think it was gruff at all and it wasn't the first time I had said it either. These were supposedly internet savvy refugees who weren't noobs and knew in general, what was going on. If they can't get it right then the real noobs don't have a prayer.

That wasn't the thread I was referring to AVB, in fact I didn't even see your post, but do you agree that you were kinda gruff in your reply?

I'm not trying to single anyone out, in fact I have told more than one person (who is no longer with us) to use search in the last month or so. I'm only trying to say that it shouldn't become our Mantra.

This is a great community of very friendly and more importantly knowledgeable cigar smokers. All I'm asking is we give the newbies a bit more leeway before we click a claymore on them.