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Grow Your Own


Nuclear Advocate
Nov 25, 2005
I have this plan to grow, age and roll my own. The grow part is complete and aging is in progress. Now to find a press and learn to roll.

That's pretty cool! I guess I assumed we wouldn't be able to get tobacco to grow very well with our climate.
Very cool, keep us posted on how it's coming along. Rob, for a mere $20K you could purchase an acre of land near you and experiment. :)
I once grew a large amount of tobacco of different varieties (about 25 plants). Beautiful plant, however I never got into rolling. I look forward to seeing your results! Good luck.
I would like to try it too. Where do you find the seeds for your garden?

I grew a bunch a few years back.. that's the easy part, curing it ... I didn't make it that far.
Way cool! I'm sure most of us have thought about doing this at one point or another. I know I have. I look forward to seeing your progress. If you're looking for presses, there is a guy on fleebay that makes them. They appear to be fairly decent quality; atleast from what I can tell.
I imagine after you go through the process of growing and rolling your own, $10 for a cigar seems like a good deal!
Thats a pretty looking plant. Please keep us updated, I have always been interested in growing my own.
I had about 10 plants, a couple years back, but the I couldn't control the damn hookworms at all.

Nicely done! Did you save the flower/seed pods, to plant next year?
I had about 10 plants, a couple years back, but the I couldn't control the damn hookworms at all.

Nicely done! Did you save the flower/seed pods, to plant next year?

Depending on how well I do with this small crop, and how good the tobacco smokes, I would probably plants sets again next year. If its not good, I will look into different varieties.
I would like to try it too. Where do you find the seeds for your garden?

Lots of retailers online, but these came to me as young seedlings from a friend of my daughter that has a tobacco farm.
What variety is that?

I'm with you. What seed are you using?

I was told it was "Dark Virginia". The plant is hardy and a fast grower. A good plant for the beginner.
The growing and harvesting are the easy parts, now the adventure starts. :) How have you been doing the color curing?
This curing is the hard part when growing tobacco in a cold climate. The tobacco is hanging in a heated shed and since it is cold and dry here now, it gets misted every other day to keep the leaves slightly moist. This has been a challenge. The leaves are starting to yellow but it is taking much longer than I expected.