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Frog Morton


New Member
Jul 10, 2007
Just ordered myself a few new tobacco's.

1.Escudo Luxury Navy Flake
2.Esoterica Penzance
3.Christmas Cheer 2008
4.Frog Morton
5.Frog Morton on the town.

What I am looking for is some input on which of the 4 Frog Morton's is the best.
I like On the Town and Across the Pond the best. I think they are all good, but those two have a bit more complexity to them, especially Across the Pond. It's not a great amount of complexity, but what little there is notable.
I prefer, On the Town. On the Bayou was a disappointment.
I love On the Town...I think it has a unique complexity to it that is a great tobacco to start with if you are just getting into English blends. It is smooth and light, yet rich and deep. I love it.
When I enjoyed English mixtures, more than I do now, On the Town was a favorite.

One more question. How good is the "Christmas Cheer"? And should I order some more of it to set back and age?
One more question. How good is the "Christmas Cheer"? And should I order some more of it to set back and age?
I'll let you know next Christmas. ;)

2007 is outstanding. This is (according to many more experienced than I) among the best tobacco blends out there year after year. It's always kind of the same, but just a little bit different.

From what I've learned, it's always worth buying a little extra to keep until later. I wish I had bought a couple more tins of the 2007. I'm afraid it's going to be gone before Christmas. :laugh:
I bought two tins this year (of the '08) and I plan to open one and save another. Probably do this for each year to come until I build up a nice little collection. And they are VA blends so you can assume they will age very well.
Can't remember for sure, but I recently bought a tin of 2001 Christmas Cheer. Looking forward to finding some free time and enjoying it.
Ok, I will buy another tin or two and set them back for a while. I can't wait to try a bowl of this. I am looking at buying a tin of 1998 Christmas cheer right now. But trying to decide if it would really be worth the $45.