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Favorite Cigar Mag?

May 11, 2006
I was recently pondering the thought of two popular cigar mags, Aficionado and Insider. I have a subscription to Cigar Aficionado and while flipping through the pages I noticed most of the articles cater to the super rich, of which, I'm sad to say, I'm not a member. I confirmed this when I noticed an add for an airplane for sale! :0 ...not that there's anything wrong with that.
Anyways, I have only checked out one edition of Cigar Insider and it seemed pretty down to earth. Anywone have any other cigar magazines or articles you enjoy?
I was recently pondering the thought of two popular cigar mags, Aficionado and Insider. I have a subscription to Cigar Aficionado and while flipping through the pages I noticed most of the articles cater to the super rich, of which, I'm sad to say, I'm not a member. I confirmed this when I noticed an add for an airplane for sale! :0 ...not that there's anything wrong with that.
Anyways, I have only checked out one edition of Cigar Insider and it seemed pretty down to earth. Anywone have any other cigar magazines or articles you enjoy?

Aficionado and Insider are the same publishers. Insider is more just cigar reviews and news while Aficionado has all sorts of other articles that are non cigar related.
You don't own an airplane yet? Newb. We ALL own airplanes. LOL

Zee is 100% right, of course. Cigar magazine can be good, but European Cigar Cult Journal is really where it's at.
I was recently pondering the thought of two popular cigar mags, Aficionado and Insider. I have a subscription to Cigar Aficionado and while flipping through the pages I noticed most of the articles cater to the super rich, of which, I'm sad to say, I'm not a member. I confirmed this when I noticed an add for an airplane for sale! :0 ...not that there's anything wrong with that.
Anyways, I have only checked out one edition of Cigar Insider and it seemed pretty down to earth. Anywone have any other cigar magazines or articles you enjoy?

I just checked out Cigar Magazine and was very pleased with the contents. They actually had Cigar related articles. :p I would check out that one. I will be going for a subscription with this one.

I browsed through CA and was very disappointed. They had the top 10 golf courses, restaurants and articles other than cigars. I mean isn't Golf Digest supposed to be for the top 10 courses? I also took note to the GQ articles and the Cadillac and Hummer ads. Very little to do with cigars.

Here is my real problem with CA and C-insider. They are published by the same company and Cigar Insider is a hefty subscription. Why should I pay for Cigar Insider when CA should be doing what Cigar Insider is doing all along? CA seems to have gone the route of MTV.
Can you subscribe to thsi mag, or is it web based?
European Cigar Cult that is.

Edited: to delete wrong quote
sweet. I'm going check out European Cigar Cult Journal. Haven't heard of it until now. I must be a stupid newbie!
Can you subscribe to thsi mag, or is it web based?
European Cigar Cult that is.

Edited: to delete wrong quote
It is a subscription mag, but they have a nice website - link
Check out their "service" tab, they have a nice "tasting notes" section.

edited to add more info...
Cigar Magazine had a really good article based on the premise if the Cuban Embargo were to end today, with Castro still in power, how would distribution be handled. Pretty good read. Sight better read than the top 10 golf courses and where to eat in Las Vegas....
Guys keep in mind that CA views cigars as lifestyle, a status symbol and as something that generally people with disposable income can slurge on. Thats why they have changed their magazine to cater to those people. My suggetion, subscribe to Cigar Magazine or Cigar Insider. You can always pick up old copies of CA for $1 when the new ones come out!
Cigar Magazine has on tap a group of extremely knowledgeable writers. Steve Saka has written fantastic and very informative articles on Mexican cigar manufacturers and another on "Black Tobacco", or what all tobacco is considered if it is used to manufacture cigars.

Just about every aspect of this magazine is cigar or at least tobacco related.

cA on the other hand as was pointed out earlier is a life-style magazine with a smattering of cigar related content...usually between 20-25 percent on average, which is pretty pathetic for a periodical that supposedly focuses on cigars.

When cA initially came out it was great for the cigar smoker. Now, it has outlived it's usefulness. It is the "Thompson's Cigars" of cigar magazines. A large joke in other words.
CA is just terrible. I understand it's a "lifestyle" magazine, but there's no excuse at all for a rag with "Cigar" in its title to dedicate less than 30% of its contents to cigars. Also, has anyone else noticed their pro-Cuban bias? I sometimes get the impression that Castro could take a dump and wrap it in poison ivy and some magazines would slobber all over it just because it's from Cuba.
:D I love cigar magazine. :thumbs:
I still get Cigar, CA and Smoke. I keep smoke because it is cheap and they do tend to have some decent articles. CA because I like the pretty pictures. Cigar because I like to know whats up. I am going to have to try this European Cigar Cult mag just to see.
Great question! :cool: