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Bueller.... Bueller...... Anyone....... Anyone?
Mar 15, 2004
I just wanted to post this picture of a band from a cigar a friend gave me. I tried to light it up and tossed it after a couple of puffs from the obvious fake. He gave it to me as present from his employer whom I also know. The message was sent back about the Fauxhiba.

Habana, Cuba should be the first hint ;)

The words "Habana, Cuba" themselves are right...but the boldness, size, and print quality are all jacked up.


Not to mention the black and white square grid is wrong and looks like the font of "Cohiba" is also wrong. Of course, it's hard to tell with just a picture and not seeing it for myself, and referencing it against another picture.

Where's Wilkey when you need him?
I have limited knowledge on this, but even I can see that the "C" in Cuba is wrong.

Look how it loops back through itself on the top. It should stop on the back curve of the "C", not pass through. The "H" is also jacked up.
There's a lot of variation coming out of Cohiba right now on some things, for example the boldness and thickness of the fonts and the lineup of the black dots. For whatever reason when the printer has more ink the Habana, Cuba shows up thicker.

What does not ever change is the font (IMO). And more importantly, there's only so much printer mis-aligns they will put up with. Although I must say they put up with much more than I would.

You can instantly tell it's fake by the fact that the printer misalign on the Cohiba gold box is way too big for even their lax QC standards. Very astute eyes caught the H and C which are actually quite close, but wrong. I'd imagine if I had it in my hand it wouldn't be very well embossed nor seem very well made.

Here's an example:

The misalign is definitely the big giveaway! :laugh:

Pitch is off, too. On your example, spacing varies specifically by letter pair; the only place it's identical is H-I and I-B because all lines are vertical. On the fauxhiba spacing C-O and O-H look identical and shouldn't be, and H-I is actually wider than I-B. Clumsy.

But ya gotta give 'em props for not cutting off a row of squares. :rolleyes:

It's a pretty ugly fake in my opinion. Definitely easy to detect all the errors. Thanks for the pic 'gar.