Being a pretty big fan of Pepin Garcia's "creations" in general (whether under his own name or the work he does for and with others), over the past year or two I ordered fivers of all of the non-standard lines from Cigar King that are part of the sampler you linked. Regarding Cigar King, from what I remember, the service was fine and I don't recall any problems. Regarding the cigars, there were some I certainly liked more than others, but as Wyatt mentioned, at $4/stick, it is a pretty darn good deal. You may not like all of them, but there may, and likely will, be a few pleasant surprises in the lot. In fact, I wish this sampler was available before so I could have avoided ordering fivers of everything (it may have been but I don't check Cigar King's page very often). I am fairly certain that seven of the eleven cigars offered are only available through Cigar King and its affiliate, Phatash, so as mentioned by theorangeman, it is a good opportunity to try some of Garcia's lesser-known blends. Hirsh is the owner of Cigar King, hence the Hirsh y Garcia cigar.