A close friend has tasked me with obtaining cigars for his wedding with customized bands for the occasion. I am happy to help, but also very leary of the quality of the cigars we would be getting.
I have found a place online that will produce custom labels with or without the cigars. I am wondering if just ordering bands and then putting them on good cigars myself is a viable option?
Does anyone here have a reputable source for good cigars and good work on the labels? Thanks much.
A close friend has tasked me with obtaining cigars for his wedding with customized bands for the occasion. I am happy to help, but also very leary of the quality of the cigars we would be getting.
I have found a place online that will produce custom labels with or without the cigars. I am wondering if just ordering bands and then putting them on good cigars myself is a viable option?
Does anyone here have a reputable source for good cigars and good work on the labels? Thanks much.