Did you recently put in a large quantity of new cigar arrivals?
If the beads are fully saturated than yes, adding over humidified cigars could have this effect. Since one of the benefits of beads is to also absorb you must make sure not to over saturate. Ideally you want beads only holding about half capacity. A very light mist or two of water is all thats needed for beads to work. Depending on the amount of beads you use and the size of the area being humidified, you will over time learn how much misting to give the beads to keep them from being over saturated. Its sorta like my Dad use to tell me when adding spices to a soup we use to make together..... you can always add more but you can't take it out.
Recently being the key word.... have you added cigars or water recently? When you say the humidity has started to change... what kind of time period are we talking about and when was water added last?
Regardless, if you believe your hygro's are correct the beads have too much water and should be dried out some IMO.