Wow............That is ugly!!!!!!! but, thanks!
La Casa de Habano..........Still smells of mold. No visable signs though. I did not purchase there. Humidor 1 is where I shopped. The prices were horrible, but I made a small purchase anyway. Sealed box with tax stamp. I will let them rest in the humi a few days before I enjoy one. I bought a single custom stick ( $17.00) hoping to find a treasure, Lit it with coffee this morning, HORRIBLE!!!!!! It was beautiful to look at, Wouldn't stay lit, fell apart and even with a little more than 2" left, was extremely hot due to having to hit it all the time to keep it lit. It got real soft and the cap fell apart. Live and learn. Hopefully the "good" sticks are ok. I checked out 4 stores and this seemed to be the best. Oh well.....