Neuromancer said:Use Purell...when you go grocery shopping the cart handles are contaminated...when you eat in a restaurant the menus are contaminated...when you handle money it's loaded with bacteria...if you use Purell after handling a menu and before eating, after paying for fast food before eating, and after shopping it helps tremendously...that and washing your hands with hot water and soap as hands are your biggest source of contamination...we started using Purell a few years ago and cut down on the colds drastically...I used to be good for two or three every winter and now I haven't had a cold in three years and that's with a teenager in the house...we all carry the tiny pocket size bottles and use it at appropriate times and the kid does too and it has worked wonders...just my 2¢...
Edited for PS:
PS - Also use it after using keyboards of computers in the work place when other people use the same computer...I know it sounds like a pain, however, it sure beats having a cold for 7-10 days...
Neuromancer said:...when you handle money it's loaded with bacteria...
mhortsch said:I wish they made cigars you could smoke that would cure the common cold.
MiamiCubano said:I handed one of the four coffin boxes to the guy whose house we were at and he thanked me, took the box, and then left the room. I thought nothing of it really, but then he returned to the room...the box discarded, the cigar in hand, rubbing something "shiny" all up and down (and around) the cigar. WTF? He walked over and, as he did, the smell quickly revealed just what he was rubbing on to every inch of the 7X52 beauty. What you ask? Get this...Vick's Vapo-Rub. You got it.
For bacteria these waterless handwashes are probably fine. Their active ingredient is generally an alcohol of some sort, and bacteria don't get resistant to that.golfgar said:There was a discussion on the radio yesterday about using those antibactirial washes and soaps. The bottom line was for the common cold and viruses, washing with soap was better because of the morphing bacteria thing. Bacteria become resistant and they recommended using soap and water.
Neuromancer said:when you handle money it's loaded with bacteria...[snapback]240728[/snapback]
mhortsch said:I wish they made cigars you could smoke that would cure the common cold.
I get a little phobic about this and always wash my hands but use the towel to open the door afterwards. If they only have the forced air dryers I use my sleeve.WRXpilot said:Washing your hands for real is nice too, but I'd suspect the sinks in public restrooms might make your hand more dirty than they began with if that's what you're using to wash your hands...