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Cigars compared to cigarettes...


Where am I?
Jan 9, 2005
A friend just asked me why I quit cigarettes (18 months ago). Not why as in why would you quit, more like what was it that caused me to quit.

I told him that I woke up one morning, and was just sick of the addiction. Sick of being fine, and within 5 minutes having a strong urge to want a cig. I did enjoy cigarettes to an extent. Something about the social aspect, sitting out with friends on a nice sunny day. But I also felt like **** every now and then after smoking one. Especially on those nights at the bar where I'd rifle through a pack.

He then asked me if I now always want a cigar like I did a cigarette. Now I've been smoking about 1 year now, only from Thursday to Sunday. But I told him that it was apple and oranges comparing the two. That for a cigar, for me it's more about wanting the distinguished taste and flavor, like a good beer or wine. And with a cigarette...well Im not sure what it was.

He then asked me if people are addicted to cigars, like cigarettes.

Im sure this has been asked a gazillion times, so don't respond if you've already expressed your opinion on the subject.

But Im curious to know what people think. Is it stupid of me to be 18 months clean from cigarettes, and thing that I'll never be that addicted to nicotine again? Not inhaling cigars, are they really as bad as people say?

I do remember when I first starting quiting cigarettes (cold turkey), it helped my addictions to have a small cigarillo...

edit: damn you ree
Personally I like cigarettes sometimes, I like the taste and smell. If I 'm enjoying larger amounts of alcohol, I can smoke almost one pack in an evening, and then smoke none in the following two weeks. Sometimes a cig just tastes so great, eg. at my summerjob, working outside in the sun, when taking a break, one cig can taste and feel very nice. If someone asks me "Do you smoke cigarettes?" I give a short answer: Nope. I don't really feel an urge to smoke them, thus I don't classify myself as a cig-smoker.
I quit smoking cigarettes on Dec 9, 2001 after about 8 tries. I finally used the patch and the pill combined to do it. I crave a cigarette everyday but it is no longer that "crack-head" craving. I don't feel myself craving a cigar, I just enjoy the different flavors associated with cigars.

I personally don't feel that it is the nicotine which people solely get addicted to. I feel it is the other 400+ additives that also go into processing cigarette tobacco. Every additive that goes into cigarete tobacco is approved by the FDA as a food additive, but none of the studies show what the effects are once the additives burn. Here is a list of the additives Here

I am not one of those crazy anti-cigarette smoking people. I love the smell of a freshly lit cigarette. I just feel so much better since I quit. And I enjoy cigar smoking much better anyway :thumbs:
I believe physical addiction to cigars is very rare and probably only if you inhale. Sugar, on the other hand is very addictive ;)
mhortsch said:
A friend just asked me why I quit cigarettes (18 months ago). Not why as in why would you quit, more like what was it that caused me to quit.

edit: damn you ree

Much better! :laugh: Hey, as a teacher I must educate!

Sure, I think people get addicted to cigars. I remember there being three components to cigarette addiction: physical, habitual, and psychological. I quit cigarettes back in November and only gave myself permission to have cigars again over the Memorial Day weekend. Until then, I had felt I needed to break all three components as cleanly as possible without the complication of smoking cigars.

I'm guessing that the physical addiction to cigars, if present, isn't as strong since we don't inhale as much of the nicotine. I don't see much reason why the other two components can't be just as strong, though. For those, I think it depends a lot on whether or not you're one of those folks who're more prone to addiction than others.
PCAK (still sounds like a chicken passin' a Grade AA Large) hit it on the head with the addiction components. That said, inhaling is the fastest route of transmission to the ol' receptor sites other than mainlining (anyone ever mainline an OPUS?).

The tricky thing with addiction is that you never know if you've got an addictive tendency until you try the thing that triggers it. Another way of looking at it is:
1. Harms self and family
2. Progressive use
3. Unable to control the behavior

So, if you find yourself getting up in the middle of the night to torch a stick, you've likely got problems. I can't think of anyone on this board who ever said they had to do that, but I've known lots of people who smoke cigarettes that did.

Personally, although I am a cigarette addict, I can't imagine inhaling a cigar!!

(OK, I can IMAGINE it, but I've never been able to DO it!) :laugh:
Cigars helped me quit smoking cigarettes :thumbs: :D . Ive tried quitting many times in the past using many different methods and cigars are the only thing that worked :p . I know that I just replaced my addiction :rolleyes: but cigars taste better and are more socially acceptable so I am happy :D . I don't inhale the cigars so my lungs feel much healthier now & my breathing is much clearer. I'll tell you what though. I am way more obsessed about cigars than I ever was about cigarettes and I spend way more money now too :0 . But it is also a hell of alot more fun ;) . I would never be sitting here typing on some forum about the joys of damn cigarettes :sign: .
i used to smoke 2 pack of newports a day. over the past three years, i'm down to 3 ultra lights a day (if i don't get drunk, then its a pack) unless i'm at home getting drunk, then, i'm just looking forward to my nightly cigar. cigars have definitely helped with cutting down on cigarettes and weed. i'd rather spend money on a good cigar than a cigarette that doesn't taste good, or on getting high. (except cohiba cuban cigarettes. i've bought a carton of those and they are awesome! weather they were real or not, the best cigarette i've ever smoked)
This subject comes up every once in a while and it really interests me. I have not smoked cigarettes since middle school and was never addicted. But I did become psychologically addicted to pot in high school. (And never since. I think it thwarts emotional development)

My dad was an alcoholic and out of fear, I guess, I was a non-drinker for about 25 years. In the last couple years I have found that a couple beers, maybe three, is about all I ever want.

I have been off caffeine since Feb. of this year just to see how that feels. I never experienced one headache or any other withdrawal symptoms.

I have not had a cigar this month. I just decided to not partake, as I do with all these things periodically. I was smoking about three a day there in May with some of the stress I was under and the soothing, social experience that cigars provided. The first week I found myself thinking about having a cigar about 15 times a day. Now, hardly at all.

And I never had any kind of physical reaction anytime I stopped at any time over the last ten years whether over the weekend or for a couple months. In my experience you only get a nic buzz with certain cigars or if you smoke multiple at one sitting. The comments that it is the additives that addict is interesting.

My mid-years resolution is to spend about the same amount of money on cigars when I restart but just smoke better ones. Maybe one to three a week instead of the one to three a day I had been smoking. We'll see. After all life is to be lived, not measured and rationed.
hudsonvalley said:
But I did become psychologically addicted to pot in high school. (And never since. I think it thwarts emotional development)

That must be why I feel so young!! :laugh: