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Cigar Girl 9/8/2006


el Presidente
Dec 16, 2003
Madre de Dios!! :angry:

I think Moki just lost "Cigar Girl" posting privileges!! We'll leave that to AVB!

:D :D
I clicked on the link to quickly, should have noticed the topic wasn't started by AVB.

This is an outrage!

those legs look like cottage cheese in zip lock bag. why moki, why?
That's too funny.

Not sure how AVB going to feel about you
mooching his girls though :laugh:

DUDE. I open the cigar girl posts carefully, when I am sure no onw is about to pop in to talk to me, and I won't have to hurriedly exit the page. I enjoy them, and they give a welcome respite form the drudgery of the office.

Thanks a F'n lot for ruining it.

J/K, I'll still open them all....just not the ones you send. I'm jsut not into that stuff...not that there's anything wrong with GILFs.