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CD"s in your trees might keep birds from pooping on your car!


For once, knowledge is making me poor!
Mar 7, 2007
I park my car under a huge maple tree because the tree is so big you can't "not" park under it. I was tired of washing my car just to come out the next day and find it covered with bird shit! So I Googled ways to keep birds out of your trees and the only feasible method listed was to put CD's in the tree. Apparently, the birds don't like the movement and the reflection!

So I contemplated how in the hell I would get CD's up in this tree that is incredibly high? I needed to tie the CD"s to a string and find something heavy enough to tie to the other end so I could throw it up in the air and hope it would catch a limb or a twig. I wrapped a few layers of Saran warp around a golf ball, closed the Saran wrap and the string with a zip-tie, cut the string at 8', and tied the CD to the other end, and tied a loop in the middle.....hoping this would help the string get caught up.

Now, how to get it up there? I only wish I had pictures........maybe not!

I held the string by the middle and whirled it like David did with his sling shot when he slew Goliath. I let go, the wind took the CD, and the golf ball and CD hit the side of my house!

I took my lob wedge, laid the CD off to the side, fluffed up the ball, and gave it a whack. I almost hit the neighbors house because the ball came out of the Saran warp!

Finally, I was able to judge the wind just right and I got two CD's lodged in the tree but nowhere near the top.

The good news is that there has been no bird shit on my car for a week now.

So......either this worked, or maybe the birds just haven't been back for other reasons. But I had a few good laughs, and so far, it's working.:cool:
Jeff caused thousands of dollars in damage to his house and his neighbors houses, but there's no more bird shit. 🤣
glad the CDs worked.

us hillbillies in north Louisiana used to put aluminum pie pans in the trees to keep the birds away; much cheaper than cross dressers.