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Castro transfers power to his brother

Is that light at the end of the tunnel that i see? i'd love to see the island before i cash out. :p :cool:
I think that when he does pass on, it will be business as usual, except his brother will be in charge. I can't see any changes to the US embargo in the forseeable future. Just my opinion though...not really based on any facts.
So long as there aren't enough old New Yorkers in Florida to outvote the Cuban Americans who hate all things Castro, we'll have an embargo. So, encourage your aging, bat crazy folks to move to Florida and then Presidential elections will have to pander to hissy-fissy issues like Medicare and Social Security instead of real issues like an embargo against a silly little island.

Also, one thing I really hate about this is that the US media has defaulted in referring to Fidel Castro as Castro, even in articles when they talk exclusively about Raul. Both are 'Castro' and sometimes, it's hard to tell who they're talking about.

Interesting quote from a BBC Article:

"Since our country is threatened by the US Government under circumstances such as these,"

Right, I suspect an invasion force is floating just off the Cuban shore...not.
