Here we go.
Looks pretty good in my opinion. Nice oily wrapper, I liked the little knot at the head too.
The wrapper scent was lightly woody and oddly a scent that reminded me of a puppy...
Construction was good. The draw was also quite fine.
Still looking tasty.
The initial draw was a familiar light tobacco taste. It was rather light boddied in the begining. From there to the first inch of the cigar the taste was of light coffee, slightly nutty after taste and smoke is quite mild and almost sweet, at least I thought so... More on that later.
From there to the second inch I was able to determine exactly what that lingering unknown flavor was. In the begining it was faint, very faint. However now, the taste of citrus oil could be detected. Along with that was a bit more of a bitter acidic taste, strong coffee presence and a much longer linger of cocoa.
Flavor wise the cigar was much of the same all the way till the end from that point.
With that said lets move onto the construction. Things started to get a little hairy at that point. I was going to try and ride tha ash all the way, but the burn what a little crazy on me.
I gave up on the ash and went to fix the edge with the ligther. Shortly there after...
A little bit more I had my fill and called it a night. Or so I thought.
I brushed my teeth, used some mouth wash and jumped into bed. The fiance was NOT pleased. Her exact words "Jesus, when I came outside and smelled that cigar I thought this has to be the worst cigar Hoshnasi has ever smoked and I like your other cigars and pipes!" But it got worse. Five minutes later she was begging me to turn away so she wouldn't smell the smoke. I was perplexed, after brushing my teeth for over a good minute and spending another few minutes with the mouth wash I thought I would be alright. So I went back to the sink scrubed that hell out of my face beard and even washed my hair, she said it helped but still was an arm lengths away. Frankly it was a pungent cigar. I could still get hints of it in my mouth even after the whole mouth sand blasting I went through. As a side note I was outside the whole time with a slight breeze...
Conclusion: Not bad, I'd buy them for under $5.00 a stick. The citrus was a nice surprise. Your millage my vary.. Smoke in a friendly environment...
EDIT:: Sould I put this in the main post? Its gonna get big.