Construction: First Class
Cut: First Class
Light: First Class
Burn: Fist Class
Ash: Velvet smooth, and held on for 2 inches.
The draw was perfect on this and you can see how the rest of it was. However I was not impressed. I thought this was a bland mild/medium smoke with no character, 1 dimmensional, pretty much just woody, with a lingering long finish. Would I smoke another? Yes. Would I buy another? Probally not.
Cut: First Class
Light: First Class
Burn: Fist Class
Ash: Velvet smooth, and held on for 2 inches.
The draw was perfect on this and you can see how the rest of it was. However I was not impressed. I thought this was a bland mild/medium smoke with no character, 1 dimmensional, pretty much just woody, with a lingering long finish. Would I smoke another? Yes. Would I buy another? Probally not.