While smoking, I like to examine the cigar and appreciate its characteristics. One thing that I always examine is the ash properties. Seeing the vein pattern in the ash is always a treat, etc.. However, today I noticed tiny little white ball shapes in the ash. From seeing pictures on here, they appear to look almost like what mold would look like on the outside of the wrapper, but these were in the ash. If the cigar begins to mold (and this particular one was an Acid Nasty, kept in a travel humidor with no humidifier, thus fairly dry), would the mold show up in the ash like that?
Here is a picture, but I have been having trouble getting my camera to focus since my kids got ahold of it, so it is blurry. I drew the arrows to the bump on the outside, so if the picture was more clear, imagine lots of those in the area outlined with the redline box.
Here is a picture, but I have been having trouble getting my camera to focus since my kids got ahold of it, so it is blurry. I drew the arrows to the bump on the outside, so if the picture was more clear, imagine lots of those in the area outlined with the redline box.