LOL only if you can brother. Np rush either, got both my daughters bdays this month plus anniversary.Oh, I guess I should say I can handle this one too.
Yep they are excellent. This years they tweak a few things and its suppose to be better then last years.I'm fairly new to sampling a broad range of beers, about 2 years. If you're talking about Brooklyn Brewery, I enjoyed this
particular offering better than anything else I've had from them. I am in the southeast, and one place had it in stock last year. Hoping he gets it in again this year. Very nice beer. :thumbs:
Do you want me to put another 4 pack in there for you too?
PleaseDo you want me to put another 4 pack in there for you too?
Can we say group buy?Do you want me to put another 4 pack in there for you too?
Thanks a million Martin ... between you and Greg I have plenty.I finally landed the I just have to get it all wrapped up.
OK, I couldnt stop drinking this stuff. Lights you up fast!
OK, I couldnt stop drinking this stuff. Lights you up fast!
Yeah it's really good and I have had the same problem. I also got my fiance hooked on it so we have blown through at least 3-4 4packs and I have two more in the beer closet. It's only about $7.50 here. I saw Ten Fidy at the store for $16 a 4pack and passed it right up. I'd rather get 2 4packs of BBCS for that price.