Thanks again everyone! I had a couple of my reps come in and I got the problem under control. :)

So how'd you solve it in the end? Freezing?
other1 said:
So how'd you solve it in the end? Freezing?
I took every box out and cleaned the whole humidor out and put them all in the freezer, well Iam still in the process but it will be all good after this. I also bought some beetle traps, but they havent came in yet bought Ill be putting them up once they come in. I will be putting two in the humidor and two in my main shop. I also bought some beetle killer spray (what every you want to call it) :)
Iam not going to spray that in my humidor but in my store, just in case...

So once I get this all done Ill be order some new stock :)
