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Back from Vacation...But Pissed as Hell


Jun 17, 2005
Had a good vacation down South but the return flight was fugged up from the get-go. What with late flights and an unplanned overnight stay in a crappy hotel in DFW, only to wake up at Oh-friggin'-dark-thirty to catch another flight blessed with not one...not two...but three screamin' kids in one row...well, we're draggin' ass.

Oh...and I hope the cock-suckin', sperm-burpin' low life who stole two pairs of shoes, a Swiss Army knife with handmade sheath, and my travel humi full of cigars gets cancer and dies a slow, painful death. Now I just have to deal with the baggage services and they closed before we even got back to the house.

It's good to be home!
That sucks more then big time! :angry:

Glad you had a safe travel!
There are some uglies out there. It makes you wonder who they hire at the airports. Sorry to hear about the bad news. :( But on a good note, welcome home and to your own bed!! :thumbs:
Well, at least you're safe at home now and that's gotta feel good.
Damn, Brett! Karma does even out, over time. The thief will have a breakdown in the bad part of town for sure.
There are some uglies out there. It makes you wonder who they hire at the airports. Sorry to hear about the bad news. :( But on a good note, welcome home and to your own bed!! :thumbs:

Glad you made the trip, SAFE. This is a nice little side note.

DTW air port reported an Baggage cart driver hit a baggage handler, and killed him. Driver was drunk, and underage. Maybe they should UP the pay a little, and employ better workers.
I hate going to DFW, had a layover there on the way back from Iraq and my flight from DFW to Killeen was cancelled. Put me on standby for hours then decided they could put me in a hotel until morning. I rented a car and made the 3 hour drive home. Sorry to hear about your bad day but enjoy being home.
I'm sorry to hear about the flight home but I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation. I live 10 min's from DFW airport, if I had known about the layover I'd have found some comfy pillows and a soft spot for you and the family to lay your heads.
It's definitely good to be home...even if there is a heap of laundry to be done. The Wife® and I never could pack light and we're shopping fiends, to boot. I came back with four new shirts & chinos, and two new ties. She outdid me, though. At least all of that made it.

The best part of the trip was seein' my kids and grandkids, of course. Got to spend a bit of quality time with them and the rest of the family, too. An added bonus was gettin' some good crawdads, catfish, grits, and other Southern fare not found up here.

Hey, does anyone have a handy, comprehensive list of non-ISOM cigar MSRPs? I'm tryin' to get a little ahead of the game by putting together my list of stolen items. Nineteen cigars! :angry:
Hey, does anyone have a handy, comprehensive list of non-ISOM cigar MSRPs? I'm tryin' to get a little ahead of the game by putting together my list of stolen items. Nineteen cigars! :angry:

If I was you, I would got to your local B&M and have them price them for you on their letterhead. That way you get to recoup that god awful Alaska tax you had to pay.
That is such bulls*it, they have to do a better job of montoring the people at airports who are suppose to monitor us.!!!! :angry:
Theft rings at airports are becoming more and more common as wages go down and airlines move more and more to outsourcing labor. Some of the contract outfits will hire anyone with a pulse. When my employer fired over 400 in house ramp workers and replaced them with a contract out fit, things got real bad, real fast.



