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Distant Member
Nov 11, 2006
Happy Birthday Bro.
Hope you drink some fine scotch and smoke a couple of good cigars.

All the best.

Old HELL..... I've been 21 for 32 years now and I'm really getting the hang of it :)
Happy Birthday, Ray - !! Dig out the good ones and pour a dram of the "good stuff".....(shouldn't be too hard to find).... :laugh:

Best Regards - B.B.S.
Have a wonderful birthday, Ray! You certainly deserve it. :)
Hope you had a great birthday Ray. And fuggum
about your age. I am right there with you an young at heart. Hope to see you in Baltimore.
Happy 32nd 21st birthday Ray. I guess keeping the cigar girls young has done wonders on your aging :)
Enjoy the day !!
I'm gonna wait until next week to wish the old fugger a happy day.

Happy Birthday, Ray. Smoke and drink the best :thumbs:
Happy Birthday Ray, like a fine wine, you are getting better with age..