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Anybody here a picker?


Just livin' the dream
Dec 9, 2004
Just wondering. I've played for about 10 years now and I always like to talk about guitars and music in general. Mostly older stuff, I don't care much for this new-fangled recycled crap they play on the radio. I'm a blues man first and foremost, but I'm also pretty eclectic.
I can strum and sing well enough to keep a campfire crowd entertained, but I've never taken it too seriously.
Yeah, I pick my nose daily............ :laugh:
Shocking, especially coming from an apparent John Boy and Billy fan :D
Ive been picken on and off for about 24 years .
Not good enough to make any money with it though.

Ill agree with blues 100% :cool:
Leebo8-9-8 said:
Yeah, I pick my nose daily............ :laugh:
Yeah, same her for me. I pick Lee's nose :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Actually I played in bands and for fun for about 20 years. Haven't played for about 3 years now. Just didn't feel it. I have been toying with the idea of picking it up again. At a small holiday party here in town the other night at a family friend's house (his son and my son play in bands together) This guy and his duo partner and a few others were playing blues in the basement. Really nice.

I still love music. I bought ten tickets for the BB King concert Jan 8 at the Bergen PAC in Englewood. And some for the Smokey Robinson later in the spring.
One of the best call Cigar Pass home.... his gee-tar collection surpasses his see-gar collection. ;) I'll let him speak for himself though.
I've always goofed around with it. Mrs. HFM got me a new acoustic for my birthday this year. Great to play around with it again.....

Could never play as good as I listened......
Matt R said:
One of the best call Cigar Pass home.... his gee-tar collection surpasses his see-gar collection. ;) I'll let him speak for himself though.
But I wanna know now! :angry2: ???
other1 said:
Matt R said:
One of the best call Cigar Pass home.... his gee-tar collection surpasses his see-gar collection. ;) I'll let him speak for himself though.
But I wanna know now! :angry2: ???

I Know who :whistling: Word has it that he is rather fond of a certain Fender as well.

I have played since 1967, but never good enough to do much more than entertain a drunk crowd. ;)
My wife bought me an acoustic for my birthday this past year as well. Can pick a few tunes, mostly learned from tabs downloaded off the net.

My son, who is 13, got an electric for Christmas last year and he's really into it now. He's pretty good after only a year so I bought him an Ibanez acoustic-electric for Christmas this year.
Rod said:
DC ;)
I saw "57 strat", or something like that, the other day and thought "oooh, there's a guy who knows nice guitars!".

I play a little. I've got a '62 fender jazzmaster, which sounds lovely coming out of my little princeton reverb.:D
I've owned several guitars, but my baby is my first. A '63 Gibson LG0. My uncle won it in a poker game when my mom was pregnant with me. He gave it to her and told her to give it to me when I was old enough. I picked it up at 14 and never put it down.
puffnstuff said:
Rod said:
DC ;)
I saw "57 strat", or something like that, the other day and thought "oooh, there's a guy who knows nice guitars!".

I play a little. I've got a '62 fender jazzmaster, which sounds lovely coming out of my little princeton reverb.:D
I have the same little Princeton pre-CBS. Nice tone.
Eshaw99 said:
I've owned several guitars, but my baby is my first. A '63 Gibson LG0. My uncle won it in a poker game when my mom was pregnant with me. He gave it to her and told her to give it to me when I was old enough. I picked it up at 14 and never put it down.
nice score! and a great story, too.
the way I got my jazzmaster is a little more depressing...
basically one of my best friends (and bandmate) died of colon cancer in 1993 (he was 21 years old), and his parents wanted me to have that guitar.

I'm more of a drummer, but I've always had guitars.
wishing I still had my natural wood rickenbacker 360 12-string! sold that in a time of financial hardship, and have regretted it ever since. :(
Eshaw99 said:
Is this DC fond of a certain '57 strat?? :whistling:


Personally, I don't really play, but like any red-blooded American male, I own a couple axes. :) Les Paul copy and an Ibanez Blazer bass.
hudsonvalley said:
I have the same little Princeton pre-CBS. Nice tone.
very nice. I wish mine was a pre-cbs blackface! but I can't complain about the tone.
mines a bit later. '68, I think. nice and clean, though. (well, until I overdrive it! ;) )
I went through a time when I was buying old fender amps ('64 super reverb, '65 twin reverb, etc.), but I've since sold them (again, something I regret!), and now I'm back down to "square A" with the trusty little princeton.