Another new box pass idea...


Official CP Entertainment
Jan 16, 2001
Ok everyone - two wonderful things have recently happened in my life, and it looks like everyone here may reap the benefits.

First, my fiancee & I just bought a new house together (yay for us! ) - our move in date looks like Mar 19.
Second, I finally won the pool over at and the cigars are coming in like crazy.

Here's where YOU come in... you see, I'm kinda running out of room for all my cigars.  I've already got 1 large and 1 medium cooler pretty full, and I really don't have room for any more coolers in the new house.  My idea is to start a box pass with a LOT of medium to lower-high end cigars.  Your job (assuming I get this pass off the ground) would be to take MORE then you put.  Now sure, if you want to bump up the quality, I certainly wouldn't complain - some might even call that a mandatory rule, but most importantly, you should send the box out with less then you received in it.  I'd still expect to receive a good number of cigars back - and hopefully, the quality of the entire box will have improved greatly since I sent it out.  Don't worry, I won't toss in any dog rockets!

Any takers on a pass like this?

Like I said, it's just a thought.....
Dave  :D
What the h@!! If you want to start the pass, I'll get on board with you. :D Let me know how it turns out.( the sign up thing, I mean.)

I survived through 3 corporate moves so I know what your going through  ;)  Funny tho when I moved in with the present mrs. v my belongings all got sold off in a garage sale  :0   I'd be more than willing to step in and give you a hand with your excess inventory  ;)  :D   Just say when....
Would Love to help a fellow CP'er in a time of need! Working dilegently on building my stock... Yep! Be happy to put some pretty horses in - in exchange for some range stock... :cool:
Dave this sounds like a great idea, if it doesn't backfire on you. I have yet to be in a boxpass, trade or lotto where you end up with less than more. Every cigar smoker I have run into over the years can't count! :D You agree on a three stick deal, he sends you nine, and so on.

Well enough rambling, count me in on this.

Not enough room in a new house for more cigars! Sounds like you need to plan an addition to the house already, brother! :D
Do you really think we can do it?
I mean how tough can it be?

Im up for the bass akwards challenge.
Well you coulda guessed that.
This is just plain WRONG! I've spent years perfecting my counting abilities and now you're going to start some kind of NEW MATH?

You could count me in :cool:
Thanks for the positive response everyone. I've started the signup over in Open Passes.

You can all jump in there!
Dave :cool: