hojadepuro said:
Hey I was curious if any of you guys have had good luck aging your Master Blends #2 to give them more flavor or if I should just not worry about it and smoke them as soon as I get them. Any info is appreciated. And as always thanks in advance.
Since the Master Blends 2 only came out in September/October 2005, it is a little early to determine if age is going to help. Give them a year or two at least.
Now, the Master Blends 1 improved considerably with a couple of years of age on them. I have a box of torpedos that I bought in January 2004. They have developed very nicely...much better cigar than when I bought them and much better than the current Master Blends 2 (which I am still not convinced are not rebanded MB Is).
There's my 0.02.