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A Newbie's Take: ISOM Style


Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Hello folks,

Sorry for the long delay, I was getting over a summer cold and couldn't do any smoking while I was down with it - I mean what would of been the point? Couldn't taste the difference between ash and ashtray :sign:

Came back to health last night actually with a less than super premimium brand and yep back to full health so tonight's selection was... a special gift from a good guy. Don't know if he is on this site but I have to share with you about this guy (no names used here of course)... a fellow afficiando his goal is to convert me into a cigar smoking snob :0 seriously folks he appreciated my interest in cigars and introduced me to some very awesome super premiums - as a gift. My half of the deal? I have to watch and smoke all these beauties within 2 weeks. When I first agreed I figured no problem, but after seeing what he sent me? Oh boy :(

Anyway my good fortune is your good fortune on yet another newbie's take review:

The environment:

Cable stations going back and forth between History Channel and Discovery channel. My Princess (my cigar-smoke loving cat) in an unusual happy, loving, border line playful mood on the floor next to me on the couch as I am lounging. Ginger ale poured and my shoes kicked off.

Pre Light:

Firm, hard, short at 4 7/8" x 50 (almost sounds like a mdiget porn script don't it?), used the punch and the cleanest little nugget of cap came off without any tear, re-punching and I knew yeah I had a good cigar. Easy light which suprised me considering...

The Smoke:

... that the draw on this little bad boy was like sucking a too small straw for a triple thick shake. However, despite this one little "draw" back (hey I made a pun!), the cigar tasted absolutely wonderful! Leather and spice that started off really mild and matured to dizzingly strong porportions by the end. Very little smoke though, which combined with the tight draw this baby had for 2/3 of the cigar had me believeing it may have been somewhat plugged... the aftertaste of sweet pepper was a nice contrast to the taste of the smoke itself.


5 because of draw, 10 because of taste, overall 8-9 (taste holds more sway than a bad draw) If, indeed this was plugged I look forward to getting many many of these (like I could ever afford to - life does suck sometimes with these great cigars :( ) if this cigar is normally like this then still I would like several ;)

What was it?

The Montecristo Millenium - ISOM.

Until my next review!



All reviews by myself in the Newbie's Take are really just unbiased, uneducated cigar reviews from myself, a newbie still very much learning but having a ball!

Great review sam, it just keeps getting better. Your style as a reviewer is evolving!! As, it apears, is your taste in cigars :D

Happy revewing
Just still finding my grove... a little tongue in cheek to keep things moving, the breakdown like I use here goes well though sometimes (like todays review on the regular Newbie's Take) I just like busting out the review in a paragraph or two.

I appreciate the encouragement and the compliments everyone and this outlet here as well to experiment and voice my opinion.

Okay Sam, you opened the door (thanks again for the invite) so I'm wandering into your house. Had to go with this room vice the Plain Jane Newbies Take as you'll see when I drop the name of my stick.

I've never reviewed a Cigar before and have only tried to describe them once to my wife without much luck. SO, while I welcome and encourage criticism I ask that you don't turn the flames up too high! Not to mention, if Sam is considered a Newbie, then folks, I'm still just a virgin!

Uh, Uh well without further ado...

This smoke was definitely a "Doctor ordered" day ender. Rough, long day at work followed by a nice night with the wife and kids, and I was ready for some down time to stabilize the seratonin running wild in my head!

I cracked the Tube on this stick (Please don't stop reading because I just said Tube- purchasing the tube in this case was necessary because during the transit home, this baby had to survive a ride in a full backpack) and the aroma hit me from the get-go. Passing it under my nose, I noticed such a "fresh" aroma that I began to wonder if maybe this Cigar was too young to even smoke. I was actually reminded of tea leaves! And this IS NOT a flavored Cigar.

The cut went rather well despite a scare. I clipped a little smaller than usual this time because I wanted a little more control over the smoke. When the blades hit, I felt the cap squeeze a little and thought my blades might be a bit dull. But despite the springy action, it was a nice small, smooth cut.

The prelight toast was uneventful. Almost mundane. Everything toasted but not charred equally and at the same time.

The light was a little tricky. I had trouble getting about 1/3 to light. But as soon as I did get it, the burn evened out (and stayed even all the way through with one quick "shimmie" at exactly center point.)

The first thing I noticed was that there was very little smoke coming off of this cigar. Really. You could barely even tell it was lighted! Then, that first big draw sent me into a spiral of confusion!

Despite the small cut and despite the lack of smoke, I pulled air through this cigar with nary any effort. The draw on this Cigar was incredibly light, but at the same time I felt almost no smoke enter my mouth, and I couldn't taste hardly anything. With a sigh of regret, I released my breath and was simply amazed at the amount of smoke I exhaled. And the smell of that released smoke! Unbelievable. Folks, at that very moment, I realized that this is what Cigar smoking must be all about!

The burn was smooth and cool through the whole stick. And the draw remained so light that you could pull smoke out of it by fanning the head with a feather!

The flavor hit me like a ton of bricks as soon as that first breath was released. At first, the only thing I could taste was a "Tabacco Lite," if you will. Very fresh, very light, smooth and slightly creamy. A few puffs later the tastes began to change dramatically. I went through a plethora of flavors in the first couple inches including a little hint of mint mixed with white pepper and possibly cilantro. After about an inch or so, the flavor moved into a more nutty spectrum with pecan and almond the foremost taste. By the time I reached the middle however, things had settled into predominately Pecan with a touch of (believe this or not) pumpkin pie. And the flavor stayed there until where the label started (it had long been removed and placed on my little finger - that's how much fun I had with this Cigar.) The finish was fairly bold. The nutty flavor held, but the accent reverted back to pepper and mint vice the sweeter flavors. The smoke began to pass that pleasant tingling along to my lips and the tip of my tongue at the very end.

The ash held well on the stick. I could really see someone being very careful and holding the ash until the end of this smoke. I dropped it twice (about 2 inches each) because I was fidgeting around in my chair. The only way to describe the ash composition is "Zebra." An almost white ash with dark gray stripes twisting through it. Very nice.

Two interesting notes: First, I sat down with my smoke and a good book. I ended up reading very little of my book. Initially, I was also going to enjoy a glass of Merlot too. I wish I had, that would've been a beautliful combination. And second, I was actually able to pick up the fallen ashes and throw them away without them losing any shape whatsoever - now that's a tight roll!

I was going to rate this a 10 but then thought that maybe I better move to a different scale. I see some of the problems that a 10 scale can cause. Then, I figured I needed a "trademark" to define my reviews as I get more experience so I decided to rate on a scale of 100 in a range.

This stick gets a 93-96 out of 100. The only fault I can find is the aftertaste. While not heavy or bad, it is considerably different than the taste left on the palate while smoking. That means I only get to enjoy the true flavor of this cigar while smoking it!

The smoke was (insert drumroll here) Partagas Coronas Senior Tubed made in Havana. Should you choose to buy into this virgin review and go after this delightful smoke, YOU WILL NOT REGRET YOUR DECISION!

Regards, Scott
Sam, I've been gone a while and just got caught up on all your reviews and I gotta tell ya, they're really great reads!

Now Muley, I guess you're new around here, and right off the bat he comes out with a thunderous review. Awesome.

Great job guys :)
Thank you Mr Tone! :D

You guessed it alright, I'm new around here. Hey, I know we don't know each other but after reading through some of the boards, I'd just like to say that I hope things are going better for you! And thanks again for the compliment.
Muley I may be a newbie but with review no way in hell your a virgin :D

Awesome review man! Keep them up bud and like wow, if that is your first review I am outta business! (just kidding I like to write my reviews too much LOL)

Thanks for the review and I am looking forward to your next one... and trying one of those cigars ;)

Well folks after all these reviews I decided it was time to adopt a new rating system. As is standard I will be using the 100 point system carefully and scientifically adjusted. Two main areas our Appearance and Construction and then Tast and Affect. The former has about 6 checks that score points and the later 8 checks. Excell is a wonderful thing with formula's so Appearance and Construction affects about 1/3 of the total score while Taste and Affect affects 2/3 of the total score. Yes folks now you all know something baout me - I have to make things complicated :p

Appearance and Pre-Light:

Having had a stash of cigars come in lately and only a couple ISOM's in the humi I decided tonight was the night to try this little gift I recieved a few days back. A light to medium shade brown wrapper with a red band around it, it measured 5" x 52. Small veins could be seen throughout the length of the cigar and was not what one would call "smooth" on the roll. All in all a combination of elegance and rouginess to the look of this cigar. Hard on the squeeze for a tight roll added to this image. Using a punch I popped out the little kernal at the end of the cigar, leaving the little round hole exposed where the darker filler tobacco beckoned I smell the length one more time for it's light muskiness, dry leaf smell I put the torch to light...

Light, draw, ash and burn:

Amazingly easy to light but the draw was a tad bit tight. After a half a dozen pulls though it loosens right up for the rest of the smoke in an easy draw. It burns evenly for the first 2/3 of the smoke and then becomes a little ragged. Good light grey ash with strains of pale grey almost white and darker grey lines. After an inch though the ash gets a little saggy and so flicked it.

Smoke, smell, taste and affect:

Lots of smoke with this little guy with a medium to strong aroma, that had the girls wondering what it was from the next room. Penetrating this room is still full of the smell. Hard to describe smells for me so am not even going to try yet - heck I am still trying to get taste down pat LOL. The taste was awesome, starting off milder than I expected it matured throughout the smoke to a strong and peppery finish. Hints of pf mint pepper throughout the cigar but not as potent as other ISOM's I have had the privelage of smoking. The lips numb though and my head feels ephoric as I listen to some music while smoking this cigar and re-arranging my humidor.

A dry but not too dry tobacco flavor with the hints of mint pepper, earthy herbs and mild spearmint leaves leaves my pallette with a light dry mouth that the tea I am drinking easily wettens.

Overall rating:

In my new system of scoring I rate cigars in these classifications:

95-100: Divine
85-94: Excellent
75-84: Good
55-74: Average
45-54: Below Average
35-44: Poor
0-34: Yuck! Put on the Poison face guy sticker!

This cigar rated the first such score on this new system and with pleasure and pride introduce the first score under this system...

(are you ready?)

... 85, an Excellent rating.

The cigar was a gifted cigar from a friend on another web site: the ISOM variety of the Partagas Serie D. No. 4 Robusto. As with Muley's Partagas this one according to the red band was made in Habana ;) Thanks Muley for the inspiration to smoke my own Partagas ISOM :)

Until later - :thumbs:


Disclaimer: Everyone's taste buds are different and these reviews are an effort to develop an appreciation of the subtle taste variances (and not so subtle) between cigars. These reviews are for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken too seriously. If you need a cigar review you can trust I suggest Cigar Afficiando. Thanks.
too kind my friend, too kind. I appreciate the compliments and support!
:love: :love: :love: