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A bad day turned pleasant.

Lupa Namfauk

New Member
Mar 5, 2008
Hello to all. Just wanted to share a bit of a somewhat less than desirable day. First of all I am coming down with a fever and sore throat and to make matters worse I had personnel problems to deal with at work (disciplining grown men is the least desirable part of my job). Well after a tenuous day at work I finally arrived home and upon checking my mail was presently surprised to discover a nice little package from Kingantz. I am probably as inexperienced as anyone on this forum concerning cigars and Kingantz has been kind enough to mentor me a bit through PM's and as if that was not enough he hits me with this kind gesture. He truly has shown me what BOTL is all about! Thanks Kingantz, you brightened up an otherwise dismal day. :thumbs:
was there anything in this "nice little package"

C'maaan spill the beans....what'd you get
4th, it is bad form to list the contents of a gift. :) Just for future reference! Anyways, nicely done Greg! Lupa, you hooked up with a very nice guy there! Class act!

4th, it is bad form to list the contents of a gift. :) Just for future reference! Anyways, nicely done Greg! Lupa, you hooked up with a very nice guy there! Class act!


oh, my apologies....i'm used to another forum i'm on where they give you hell if you dont spill the beans

Sorry about that everyone
Hawt link Greg! My wife loves that song and dance!!!

Now if I can just get to feeling better. Fever and chest congestion just doesn't put me in the mood for a stogie. I am very fortunate to have stumbled onto this forum, the information about cigars on here from veterans to us newbies is invaluable, but pales in comparison to the courtesy that is so infectious on this site.