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2024 / Espinosa 08: Sumatra robusto

cabaiguan juan

Vote Panda 2024
Aug 30, 2006
I'm not the biggest fan of Sumatra as I've discovered over the last year or 2 so this will be interesting to see how this goes.
1. Tastes like black tea, like Lipton tea. There is a little bit of red pepper that develops over the first third.
2. Uneven burn greats me as we enter the middle third. I'm able to touch it up and it doesn't come back The Lipton tea is still there and this time is has artificial sweetener.
3. That artificial sweetener has transformed to sweet cream and the Cheyenne pepper has entered the mix. Quite a change from the 2nd third.

Its okay if you dig Sumatra. Worth a try if your into that kinky stuff.
I am a huge fan of the Sumatra wrapper....