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1000 post and 5 months on CP contest...


Turquoise Hexagon Sun
Oct 6, 2006
So today is my 5 months on CP anniversary (man! that was fast) and I have almost 1000 posts.
Its a really great time to be here, lots of fantastic BOTL's and lots of fantastic knowledge.

I was going to launch 1 contest for my 1000 post but just saw that we have 6 March today, so there will be be 2 contests. :)

1000 post contest

The Question: Who is third the most handsom guy on CP?
The Answer: Michal!
The Winner: Mr.Winner

Congrats Mr.Winner, the package is already on its way. :thumbs:


CP 5 months anniversary contest

Gues who won first contest (only 1 guess per person)
The winner in contest no.2 will be announced by winner from contest no.1 as soon as the contest no.1 prize will arrive.
Mr.Winner, hope You are not expecting any package from Poland, and will know that its a contest prize ;)

Once again thanks for that wonderfull time here! :)
:laugh: :laugh:

Congrats on 500.

Since I won I'll just keep the prize I was going to send you for the Members contest :0
Since I won I'll just keep the prize I was going to send you for the Members contest :0
Its not funny.... :p
Ok, I'll tell a secret, Ray You didn't win :p

Ps. I wonder why no one wants to participate in contest no.2 ... :whistling:
I would say it is because we don't understand what you want. I think you are saying that somebody won a contest that none of us saw and you want us to guess who that was. But I could be wrong.

Ps. I wonder why no one wants to participate in contest no.2 ... :whistling:
Yes, You're right! :)

There are 2 contests. No.1 is already won, by someone, and in contest No.2 I want somebody to guess who won contest No.1
And when Mr.Winner will get the prize I'd like him to write here it was him, and then if someone will guess it was him, he will get a prize from me.

Damn... when I read it, it really looks a little confusing... :whistling:
Ofcourse if there will be no winner, I'll launche another "CP 5 months anniversary" contest

I would say it is because we don't understand what you want. I think you are saying that somebody won a contest that none of us saw and you want us to guess who that was. But I could be wrong.

Ps. I wonder why no one wants to participate in contest no.2 ... :whistling:
OK, I'll guess Wurm.
I'll say tomthirtysix becuase he was all over the last contest I ran.
Am I the only one that is still confused? I know I am a little SLOW but not usually this slow. :D
Am I the only one that is still confused? I know I am a little SLOW but not usually this slow. :D
its all because its a riddle ;)

ok, much easier version especially for You - Guess who will get a bomb from me in contest no.1 ;)
Congrats on the anniversary and the posts. And thanks for the contest.

I'll guess Brickhouse since he posted right above me.