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Search results

  1. preembargo

    How to be a contributing member.

    I don't know Marine, I think you may already get it. And NEVER EVER, NOT EVEN ONCE open one of Gary's links at work. :0 :blush: :love:
  2. preembargo

    On To A New Job!

    Congrats Brandon! That's great news!
  3. preembargo

    The Musical Cheese Pass

    Cigarstone, when you saw that I had been posting again over the past few weeks, had you pm’d me as is generally accepted by the board as the first step in resolving situations like this, my reply would have read something like this… “Oh, snap! Jeff, I’m sorry. Honestly, with the course that my...
  4. preembargo

    WHY Cuban Cigars?

    That's just a bunch of crap. They're laced with Pixie Dust (which has been banned in the US).
  5. preembargo

    Pinned it on today : )

    Congratulations Brother!!! I can't wait to tell Matt (who's doing his AIT at Ft. Jackson right now). You can use this as your new avatar: edit to add: HOOAH
  6. preembargo

    NEWBIE WAR 2009!

    You fokkers aren't gonna let me sleep are you?! Your leader, CAPT Brokepen33something or other, actually knocked a door off the hinge. Now I gotta get up and rehang the thing. Dammit, I needs me beauty sleep!
  7. preembargo

    You Learn Something New Every Year Pass aka...This space reserved...

    One thing we know, Cap'n Jack has a taste for Edicion De Silvio.
  8. preembargo

    $20. Many choices.

    Great! You just bought $20 worth of cigars from me. Now I'm slipping $20 bucks in your pocket so you can make dinner just a bit nicer.
  9. preembargo

    $20. Many choices.

    Add that $20 bucks to your Valentines budget and show your girl how special she is, pm me your addy, and I'll send you some cigars.
  10. preembargo

    10,000 Posts Contest

    Ok, now ALL the linkys are fixed.
  11. preembargo

    10,000 Posts Contest

    Ray, try them now.
  12. preembargo

    10,000 Posts Contest

    Wow Brother!! Congratulations on 10K. Let's stop and ponder the awesomeness of this for a moment. 10,000 post equate to..what? 60 or 70 complete sentences? I for one appreciate your ability to convey so much relevant content with so few words. Congratulations! And Thank You!!! edited to fix...
  13. preembargo

    I miss you Brian. I thank God for your brotherhood.

    I miss you Brian. I thank God for your brotherhood.
  14. preembargo

    Please verify a source!

    Hi I'm gnu here and I have a source that I've never used before. Can someone I've never met and know nothing about verify that it's legit? Great! Thanks! You guys are the best!!!!
  15. preembargo

    NEWBIE WAR 2009!

    Wha the...Jeez, who the ^%#$ are you people?!!?! And why the #$&% are you waking me up from my hibernation!?!?! Ya pesky nooblerfied insects, ya want I should swat you like the gnats that you are!?!?! But then again, I think I may just roll over and go back to sleep. Yeah sleep....*yawn*...ga...
  16. preembargo

    Happy Birthday Preembargo

    Gentlemen and Lady, your well wishes are much appreciated, Thank you. I know I haven't been around much lately and I'll have to rectify that. My birthday was awesome! Bargogirl, postembargo, and the Princess went all out to make it special. The day ended with poker at the shop while I enjoyed a...
  17. preembargo

    Back in my hometown DFW

    Welcome home!! Count me in, I'm looking forward to herfin' with you.
  18. preembargo

    Baghdad BOTL Send Off Herf!

    Click on the pic to go to the gallery for more pics. I can't tell you all how great it was to see you come and show Dean how much we care for and appreciate him. Brother, you'll be missed so I'm planning on some virtual herfs when you get to where you're going!! First, I have to thank...
  19. Dean\'s Send Off 049.jpg

    Dean\'s Send Off 049.jpg
