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  1. Cparker

    Cameroon and Scotch or Whiskey Pairing

    Good to learn about Blackened. I would have shied away from it as a gimmick. Kinda like the Sammy Hagar Cabo Wabo tequila. But hearing the distiller is from Makers Mark...I will have to try it. Same with the ones from Few.
  2. Cparker

    COVID-19 vaccine, you getting it?

    The CDC has some resources on the US vaccines which are Moderna, Pfizer and now J&J: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/index.html For the VAERS data it is worth noting that these are...
  3. Cparker

    COVID-19 vaccine, you getting it?

    I appreciate learning of other Cigar Pass members experiences. Kann's comment is interesting to me as the information I had seen on Hawaii, which is admittedly old dating back to summer 2020, was Hawaii had low case counts based on being an island. I know the virus was in Atlanta well before...
  4. Cparker

    COVID-19 vaccine, you getting it?

    One thing I am unclear about is why anti-body tests are not done prior to vaccinations. Given limited vaccine supply, and most data showing a really low re-infection rate and since the vaccine is to mimic having had the virus to achieve immunity why wouldn't anti-body tests be a precursor to the...
  5. Cparker

    Netflix and other shows you are watching

    One of the reasons I do not believe Epstein killed himself.
  6. Cparker

    Netflix and other shows you are watching

    Narcos Narcos Mexico Ozark Lost in Space The Crown ( Not a royalist, but I enjoy this show. Its "Master Piece Theater like.) Evil Genius The Staircase The Last Czars Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee
  7. Cparker

    Happy birthday SmellySell!

    Happy Birthday! Smoke well.
  8. Cparker

    Happy birthday MASPuros

    HBD from CP
  9. Cparker

    Hank Proia RIP Devil Doc.

    Doc really, for me, created some of the identity and integrity that is Cigar Pass. I did not have the pleasure to know him personally, but he just had a way about him. He will be missed and for me missed particularly for his Memorial Day post. Kinda weird as he came to mind in the past day or...
  10. Cparker

    International Harvester Scout

    So while my area has a surge on top of a surge with the vile virus, it was a nice day yesterday so I went to a local brewery where it was outside, spaced and showing International Harvester Scouts. This is what I learned to drive in back when God was a child. I really like Scouts, and the bug...
  11. Cparker

    Aging: is there such thing as too long?

    I enjoy aging cigars. Its has a characteristic of computer programming: garbage in, garbage out. There have been times I bought cigars on hype, was disappointed and tried to age out the disappointment. It never works.
  12. Cparker

    And we're done........

    Congrats on a successful Secret Santa in the midst of pandemic. It was a fun way to end 2020.
  13. Cparker

    Ho Ho Ho Cparker

    Wow Santa, I must have at least been decent. Very nice selection of cigars and very much appreciated. My sincere thanks. Wishing to you and all those you hold dear a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
  14. Cparker

    HO HO HO Cabaiguan Jaun

    I am guessing the coal being inert is moving forward. The reindeer poop likely tripped the bio sensors.
  15. Cparker

    Gonz Come Sit On Santa’s Lap

    Sound like Santa may be seeking a second lap ride. And no, that was not a Slim Jim in his pocket.
  16. Cparker

    Ho Ho Ho Cparker

    Neither has she so it's a set off. And, she does not want me to be good. Thanks Santa. Will let you know when received. I appreciate all your effort.
  17. Cparker

    Ok, we're well on our way!

    From his looks, Santa may need to switch to decaf.
  18. Cparker

    Ho Ho Ho Cparker

    Thank you Santa and Merry Christmas to you. Are you taking the Santa's Helper to dinner before you drop her off or should I be sure to have food in the house?
  19. Cparker


    'Cause I'm as free as a bird now And this bird you cannot change Oh oh oh oh oh oh And the bird you cannot change And this bird you cannot change Lord knows, I can't change