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  1. bucfan444

    The Walking Dead on AMC

    Hey I'm all for equal right/free love/blah blah, but Walking Dead took a weird turn last night at 9:45pm.
  2. bucfan444

    Mayweather vs. Pacquiao...about damn time

    I can hear Cosell's voice in my head. Amazing those fights were free and now I have to pay $100 PPV if I want to watch these over hyped primadonas dance
  3. bucfan444

    I think I am an Illusione whore

    I'm on a Illusione kick as well so any posts to this thread from seasoned Illusione fans that start off " You better pick up a box of...." Is going to immediately cause me to reach for the wallet. Thank you for the recommendation. Looking forward to trying these.
  4. bucfan444

    La Escepción Selectos Finos RE Italy 2011

    Phenomenal review. I picked up 5 of these in LCDH in Rome in 2013 and to this day regret not getting a box while it was at arms length. Thanks for the great review.  
  5. bucfan444

    Calling All Padron Fans!

    Oh man, that 80th Anniversary Perfecto is quite simply an incredible smoke. Do you remember if you tried the Natural or the Maduro ? Not that it matters as both great but the Maduro IMO is a tad bit better.
  6. bucfan444

    Padron 50th Anniversary Singles

    Finally got my hands on one of the Limitied Edition sticks that come with the complete humidor. Purchased a couple of singles at $70/each because as a big Padron smoker it had to be done. The complete humidor in the photos belongs to a good friend of mine who also tried a single with me without...
  7. bucfan444

    Sharing pics and Quoting posts

    http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah272/pharmpro44/69387D96-863A-40E7-92D9-7C26C2FCC7B3_zps0ufjzbx5.jpg ***test to see if photo uploads from my iPad with Photobucket *** a class=...
  8. bucfan444

    The Walking Dead on AMC

    Very true. I picked the wrong time not to stay up for "Talking Dead"  Last nights episode needed some analysis and interpretation.
  9. bucfan444

    The Walking Dead on AMC

    I didn't get the Governor's references either along with most of the episode and I'm a die hard fan. Every now and then they seem to throw in a weird "trippy bad acid" episode which leaves me scratching my head. Tyrese dying however blows. Two main characters deaths in back to back episodes is...
  10. bucfan444

    Illusione Singulare 2014 Annunaki

    Thank you for the great review. Scooped up a few thanks to Eric at Jack Schwartz. Your review makes me look forward to enjoying one myself.
  11. bucfan444

    Great Video about Cuban Tobacco & Cigars

    Thanks for the link. Very entertaining. Makes me want to gas up the boat and point the bow south for 90 miles