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Search results

  1. Joebiech

    Tony Borhani’s Bahia Trinidad

    You might want to introduce yourself first and read the forum rules. Don't forget to fill out your profile and read read read. Also search is your friend.
  2. Joebiech

    Do you drink energy drinks?

    I drink Red Bull/Rock Stars when mixing with vodka and 5 hour energy if I need to stay awake. The 5 hour keeps me functioning and awake but in a zombie state.
  3. Joebiech

    U F C 118

    Maybe it was the atmosphere I was in while watching, but I think this was one of the worst UFC I have personally watched. :( IMHO of course
  4. Joebiech

    Johnnie Walker Gold XR

    It was the duty free at the airport in Korea.
  5. Joebiech

    For all those that wanted to quit their jobs

    http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-jet-blue-attendant-quits-arrested-20100810,0,3826093.story In a nutshell: A JetBlue flight attendant got into an argument with a passenger on a jetliner arriving at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Monday, cursed the passenger...
  6. Joebiech

    "View New Content" broken.....?

    My "View New Content" seems to work perfectly.
  7. Joebiech

    View New Content working for me now

    View New Content working for me now
  8. Joebiech

    Savinelli Cigars

    Welcome to the forum. I haven't tried one yet, but will have to take a look when I come across one.
  9. Joebiech

    Ronson Jetlite Lighter

    I would say just use it. You can use the triple filtered stuff when you need to refill.
  10. Joebiech


    Shutter Island is also good. You should catch it. Definitely worth the rental.
  11. Joebiech


    I too saw it on IMAX. Thought the IMAX was going to be a waste of money but it turned out better than expected. Great movie and would recommend highly. With the large amount of visual work, I think it is worth watching in theater versus on dvd/blue-ray (unless you have a giant projection with...
  12. Joebiech


    This is a heads up to those with type II diabetes or have friends/family who might and take Avandia by GSK for treatment. If you have not been following the news, Avandia is currently under fire for causing increased chances of heart problems (shown to cause a 43 percent increase in the risk of...
  13. Joebiech

    Gibson Rants

    So the folks at South Park were correct about Mel years ago. Don't get me wrong, I have always enjoyed his work. However, this latest rant along with domestic violence charges might be the end of his career.
  14. Joebiech

    Trying to figure out which Humidor to order

    Don't you make custom humidors? I would have thought that you had some super fancy custom job at home. :sign:
  15. Joebiech

    LiLo LiLo its off to jail she goes

    Jail will probably save her life.
  16. Joebiech

    Saddleback Leather

    I've seen them around for awhile, but I just cannot justify the price to pick one up.
  17. Joebiech

    Cohiba Siglo VI 2007

    I think his skin was a bit too thin. At least he didn't implode or explode before he left.
  18. Joebiech

    Chimp Rapes Frog

    Um...yeah. I actually don't have any words, but I think I am a bit disturbed.
  19. Joebiech

    Davidoff Aromatic Cigarillos

    I believe that cigarillos is a topic which has been covered before. Click I haven't tried many myself, but I have enjoyed the Davidoff (non aromatic) cigarillos for those short moments. Good luck with your search and let us know if you find something great.