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  1. JHawk

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Enjoying a nice evening by our pond with a good book and a Fuente Work of Art Natural.
  2. JHawk

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Padilla Obsidian Toro
  3. JHawk

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Another nice KC evening, enjoying a LFD Colorado Oscuro #3.
  4. JHawk

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Enjoying the nice KC evening, sitting by our pond, with a LFD Ligero Torpedo.
  5. JHawk

    Today's Smoke 2020

    2006 God of Fire Don Carlos LFD El Jocko Maduro
  6. JHawk

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Liga Privada Flying Pig
  7. JHawk

    RIP Smokyballs

    I HATE this... RIP Brad. Thoughts and prayers to his family.
  8. JHawk

    Happy Birthday JHawk

    Sorry for the late response... thanks for the wishes everybody.
  9. JHawk

    An Update

    The tumor was in my maxillary sinus, so I'm leery to smoke. Also, I was at Brent's a few weeks ago for the CP get together for Brad. The combo of the cigar smoke and campfire smoke really affected that area. So I think it's better to not smoke.
  10. JHawk

    An Update

    This past Tuesday I got the official word... REMISSION. Thanks once again to all of you that provided support. My cigar smoking days may be over, but I will still check in from time to time!
  11. JHawk

    An Update

    I thought it was about time to post an update on my cancer fight... Friday was my last radiation treatment! So no more chemo and no more radiation. Oncologist says we need to wait 6-8 weeks for my sinus/nasal area to get back to normal (no swelling or irritation) before another PET scan. But...
  12. JHawk

    JHawk - donations

    Latest update posted by my wife today: Very good results from the PET scan today. The Dr called them Excellent and said he is responding very well to treatment. He said that Jon could decide if he wants to do the last Methotrexate or not. We had talked about it before and decided that if the...
  13. JHawk

    JHawk - donations

    My latest Facebook update-- Heavy duty chemo -- Round 3! I know it's gonna be a full week so I'm ready. After this, the schedule calls for one more "easy" round and one more hospital stay. So I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
  14. JHawk

    JHawk - donations

    I'm doing good -- all thinks considered. Light to moderate nausea and general fatigue. The chemo went fine but I had to wait till the med was out of my system before they would release me from the hospital. So I ended up being there a full week.
  15. JHawk

    JHawk - donations

    Some good news from the weekend: my double vision is gone! It's nice to not have to wear an eye patch anymore; now I can help my wife with the driving. I go into the hospital tomorrow for the first round of aggressive chemo. I'll be in there for several days till my white blood cell count goes...
  16. JHawk

    JHawk - donations

    This is long...latest update my wife just posted: It has been a rough day. The last time we meet with the Oncologist was the day that the cranial nerve damage was discovered and even he was still trying to understand how this changed everything. He has done more tests and met with other...
  17. JHawk

    JHawk - donations

    Actually my wife is posting an update now. I'm going back to the hospital tomorrow morning for the spinal chemo. Should take an hour, then I have to lie flat on my back for 2-4 hours, then go home.
  18. JHawk

    JHawk - donations

    My wife is posting updates on the site referenced in the original post if anyone's interested.
  19. JHawk

    JHawk - donations

    I've been admitted to the hospital. Now we're just waiting for the chemo to start. Thanks again for all the support I've received!
  20. JHawk

    JHawk - donations

    I am just overwhelmed by the comments and donations. This really is a great community!!