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  1. B

    Just another Project at the Harrison's

    Wow your mad ripped out have the wall for the humidor lol great job looks awesome. How are you finding the accumonitor works well or ?
  2. B

    The Pass with Class

    No worries No more old threads , you do realise there is a lot of reading material here, I mean geez tonnes of it. I will just msg you direct If I have a question LOL
  3. B

    The Pass with Class

    Whats this list ? Is this for Behike seconds ? if so msg me please I want try one
  4. B

    Price Check

    Lol sounds fun
  5. B

    Price Check

    whats the cambio cambio ?
  6. B

    Price Check

    Yeah I mean Buenos Aires, I looked over forums tabak inglesias sells genuines as far as what I have read. thier was another purohabano but I just recieved a email stating they are selling fakes.
  7. B

    Price Check

    Ok so are they selling fakes or not I mean I stumbled across a store In Ba they have some of the cigars I want can someone pm me O need to ask some questions.
  8. B

    new wineador seasoning

    Good song ......Lets have a party
  9. B

    new wineador seasoning

    Ahhhh ok I have seen this in a lot of American house party movies :)
  10. B

    new wineador seasoning

    LOL Like I said styrofoam , plastic cups . I think I might have a plastic catcher from my old humidor maybe measure and cut out some grooves its fairly long. and add a tube going into beads this might just do the trick. On another note smoke anything nice lately ?
  11. B

    new wineador seasoning

    Ok whats a solo cup ? is it a white styrofoam cup ? I would have to do 3 of these under each fan and route the water in to beads
  12. B

    new wineador seasoning

    OK so I have ziplocked,boveda and then air tight container each box. I have noticed some condensation on the bottom cooler , I have plugged the hole where all the coolers condensation channels meet, and have left a sponge there. Any ideas on what else I can do
  13. B

    new wineador seasoning

    Cool sounds like a plan , the cooler works well keeps nice cool. I also have some large cigar boxes, thier will be to many to put all in zip lock bags. would tupperware do the trick as well ?
  14. B

    Anybody using recent model compressor wineador successfully no issues?

    Wow looks great very big. I just purchased another thermoelectric wine cooler myself waiting on custom draws. So your happy with the acumonitor?
  15. B

    new wineador seasoning

    I have currently some shelves and cigar box. Problem is I wont be getting my custom shelves and draws for a little while, my old thermoelectric cooler (whynter 251s) is not cooling the unit down its buckled , cant get parts delivered to Australia .:( So I had to purchase a new cooler here in...
  16. B

    Middle of the road humidor

    Ok so which Is It ? accumonitor, or Bob Staeball, this is interesting I currently have a thermoelectric cooler and want to add active humi. Avallo Accumonitor beleieves I dont require one for the size of my cooler. Bob says I do. PLus I have beads and bovedas at the moment in the small wineador...
  17. B

    Wineador vs. Cabinet

    Well who here has not gone over there budget when building a custom humidor ? CABINETS , hygrometers ,more beads, boveda etc etc. I am curently building a custom one now and just realised it would have been cheaper to get on imported lol. Oh well :)
  18. B

    new wineador seasoning

    Hi Just recently purchased a large thermo cooled wine fridge. Just in the process of seasoning it, I have 4 boveda packs 84% and a conatiner with spunge with distilled water. Any advice would be great help I have ordered custom draws but I wont recieve for a while yet so any help would be great...
  19. B

    Anybody using recent model compressor wineador successfully no issues?

    I cant find the pictures , Im sure its pretty awesome. Pretty easy to blow the budget on custom jobs
  20. B

    Nice Show & Tell - La Casa Del Habano Lugano

    OK I have emailed him before just didnt recognised the name thats all. looking for some new retailers .