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  1. Martin2D

    What are you brewing?

    Don't even bother with kits. There are so many recipes online if you order through www.brewmasterswarehouse.com you can just scale the recipe to 2 gallons. If I were you, I would do like me and just make small 2 gallon batches of all grain. I make 2-3 gallon batches because it's a lot of beer.
  2. Martin2D

    Guess what time it is, kids?

    NUGGET NECTARRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! It's never too early for nuggets of nectar. I eagerly await.
  3. Martin2D

    What are you brewing?

    I very rarely make more than 2.5 gallon batches myself Jon. Pitch the whole packet of yeast...Fermentis and Danstar yeast are super high quality. Don't use Muntons or Coopers though because I think they're crappy. That's another reason why people put the fruit in secondary...because there's...
  4. Martin2D

    What are you brewing?

    I got it off ebay from http://tuthilltown.com/ They were selling for $90+ship, I got this one for $100 shipped. I split it between me and 2 friends as 7 gallons of the beers we are making would be a bit much. You'll get better results with the 55, but that's just not feasible at all. I'll...
  5. Martin2D

    What are you brewing?

    Another update: Made a huge Dark Lord clone on 11/6/9. On 12/2/10 I racked it into my fresh 7 gallon bourbon barrel with 3 Mexican vanilla beans. Will add coffee at bottling. I've never had Dark Lord, but I doubt it tastes anything like it as the recipe was a shot in the dark...lord...
  6. Martin2D

    What are you brewing?

    What kind of yeast did you use on the Blueberry beer? Different yeasts produce different krausens...it's so dependent on so many things that I wouldn't worry about it. EDIT: I see you used oats in the stout recipe. That helps in head retention and is probably helping the krausen look a little...
  7. Martin2D

    Beer PIF

    If you get Duck-Rabbit, they're got some solid stuff too! If you get Duck-Rabbit, they're got some solid stuff too!
  8. Martin2D

    Going to give homebrewing a try

    I would suggest starting off doing this: http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f39/easy-stovetop-all-grain-brewing-pics-90132/ Definitely don't be afraid of all grain. It's easy, versatile and will give you much better results IMO. Decide how big of batches you want to do. I do from 2-3.5 gallons, so...
  9. Martin2D

    Second brew.

    I think you might want to try ramping up the temperature on the yeast. After replication of the yeast, and fermentation has slowed, ramp up the temperature. This will force the yeast to go at it and you won't really have to worry about esters. You need to get it up to 70F.
  10. Martin2D

    My First Competition

    Oh sheet man! That is bittersweet then...
  11. Martin2D

    My First Competition

    Congrats! Got a recipe for us? :p
  12. Martin2D

    What are you brewing?

    Thought I'd post another update. Did the 888 Russian Imperial stout from Homebrewtalk....wish I made it more hoppy! I did a sweet stout, 1/2 plain, 1/2 on chocolate and cherries. Drinking the first of the choco/cherry right now....pretty good, but subdued Ballast Point Amber clone...my...
  13. Martin2D

    nut brown ales

    I like Troegs Rugged Trail.
  14. Martin2D

    First brew

    I highly recommend www.brewmasterswarehouse.com
  15. Martin2D

    What are you brewing?

    Out of all the beers I've made...I've mad this one the most because people suck it down and love it.
  16. Martin2D

    Hydrometer reading at 1.020 on S/G scale...

    Bottling should occur when you take 3 specific gravities and they are the same. That being said, 1.020 sounds high.
  17. Martin2D

    Favorite Seasonal Winter Brew

    That was Ramstein winter wheat. Apparently a NJ brewery can make better German beers than Germany can. I had no idea all of their beers were so highly regarded.
  18. Martin2D

    Favorite Seasonal Winter Brew

    http://beeradvocate.com/top_beers?season=1 Granted you won't be able to find most of these in your area, but if you see any there's a good chance you'll love it.
  19. Martin2D

    Favorite Seasonal Winter Brew

    I like RR Pliny the Younger, Troegs Nugget Nectar, OB Ten Fidy, Founders Imperial Stout, SN Celebration and Bigfoot, Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout. I guess I covered enough of them to make a point.
  20. Martin2D

    What beer did you drink today?

    Just wondering because my friend has traded a few of those bottles on BA.