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  1. G

    Crap. Any Advice?

    Great gesture, Jon. :thumbs: You're a good man. And a good cop. Wilkey
  2. G

    Passes of late

    No!No!No! Do not even go there with these guys! Come to your senses, man! Wilkey
  3. G

    My new Coolidor!

    Now that there is some creative coolerdor work! Great jobs, gentlemen. Wilkey
  4. G

    Passes of late

    Matt, I just wanted to say that the points and concerns you raised in posts #1 and #30 are valid ones. They are, in my opinion, as relevant today as they were at any point in the past history of CP. In fact, addressing these is even more pressing now with the larger and more diverse population...
  5. G

    Cuban seal

    First I've heard of it. Wilkey
  6. G

    My new Coolidor!

    Nice, very nice! Way to deal with those wheel humps. Wilkey
  7. G

    Passes of late

    Goddarn sharp-eyed bastid. :D Wilkey
  8. G

    How's Fuel Prices in Your area?

    Premium 93 Peak: $4.74 Now: $2.17 I find that I'm still driving conservatively and turning off the motor at long lights. Still getting +10-15% MPG as compared to "normal." Wilkey
  9. G

    Passes of late

    Ummm, I usually call A on the phone. ;) Wilkey
  10. G

    Passes of late

    I disagree. That this has sparked some fairly serious exchanges, both insightful and heated, should be a clue that this situation is not as simple as something purely positive. The issue under discussion is complex because: a. involves the exercise of core values held by the community - this...
  11. G

    Guess the Vitola

    dagoR6, Yeah, sometimes it goes down like this. I think the one thing that CigarPass members should be aware of is that because of the nature of the situation surrounding Cuban cigars, we are all pretty protective, skeptical, cautious about things. You didn't just post a funky cigar, you...
  12. G

    Guess the Vitola

    Now that's provocative. Adulteration of that nature seems almost beyond comprehension. In other words, that's a "that ain't right" of a totally different league. Wilkey
  13. G

    Guess the Vitola

    Indeed. Has this guy PMd anyone with the name of the source? I have never encountered an authentic "totalmente a mano" Habanos that I have not been able to unravel into whole or partial leaves. Even stubs smoked down to an inch. Never fragments like what you seem to be showing. And as the...
  14. G

    The CP Make-a-Wish PIF Thread

    Got my ashtray from BigJake today and it's a beauty! Thanks, brother. :thumbs: Wilkey
  15. G

    How I set up my cooler-dor!

    Nice rig. I especially like the handle trays. They look suspiciously familiar. Dave-works? Wilkey
  16. G

    Prayers and wishes for Kingantz

    Greg, You and your family are in my thoughts. Sending my best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. Regards, Wilkey
  17. G

    Just wanna say thanks to CP

    Welcome back, Mac. Good to have you around again. :) Wilkey
  18. G

    The real Jon Caputo and Daniel Lopez

    Looks like it was time to start recouping some of those acquisition costs. :rolleyes: Thanks again Rod for revealing the truth and for keeping our community the singular, special place that it is. As for the actions of Mssrs. Lopez and Caputo toward you...strictly low class, spiteful, and...
  19. G

    Public Apology

    I guess this needs to go on the "greatest hits" thread? Wilkey
  20. G

    Happy B-Day Tommy (BkCloud114)

    Happy birthday, Tommy! Smoke a good one, brother. :thumbs: Wilkey