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Search results

  1. G

    Ramon Allones Specially Selected 2005

    An excellent cigar and another solid review. The RASS is a favorite of mine precisely for the characteristics you cited. Wilkey
  2. G

    A CP Turkey Day Tradition

    :laugh: Now it's Thanksgiving at CigarPass. :thumbs: Wilkey
  3. G

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my CigarPass colleagues and brothers (and sisters)! May your holiday be filled with joy, family, friends, food, and all the things that so richly give our lives meaning. Very best, Wilkey
  4. G

    The CP Make-a-Wish PIF Thread

    Right on. But you don't necessarily have to "wish down" as these cigars aren't particularly rare or special. For whatever reason, they're just not making an appearance. They're not unreasonable so asking for something else in this class might finally give you the hit you're looking for. Wilkey
  5. G

    iPhone, iTouch or Blackberry Storm?

    I don't have an iPhone but I do have a Gen2 iPod touch and it is simply an amazing, elegant piece of work. You might want to check out this Battlemodo. Wilkey
  6. G

    MC LE 2008

    Well, One can only hope that the Cubans know what they're doing. I suspect that in general they do. And with respect to leaf, certainly so. But a pattern that I've noticed emerge with respect to the LEs and selected other special releases is a tremendous range of performance. This is even...
  7. G

    MC LE 2008

    I totally agree. The ones I've smoked are absolute monsters. Quite possibly the strongest Habanos in terms of sheer strength (as opposed to the raw harshness one might get with a young Romeo y Julieta Cazadores) I've ever smoked. However, I find them very unsettled. Not at all coherent in what...
  8. G

    Fiscal Responsibility - Part II (Buying Plan)

    Great advice yet again. I should add that I put specific cigars on a rolling buy list, waiting for the right price. If I cannot find the RyJ Cazadores in-stock and at a price I am willing to pay, I will not buy a substitute. I may not buy anything that month at all. However, when the cigars come...
  9. G

    Fiscal Responsibility

    Great advice, Mark. We'd all do well to heed it, especially in these times. Wilkey
  10. G

    The Clock'idor project has begun

    Mighty cool mod! Very nicely done. :thumbs: Wilkey
  11. G

    You Learn Something New Every Year Pass aka...This space reserved...

    I've been in contact with Rob. With this being a pretty crazy week, it looks like our best option for a meeting this Saturday. I am planning on having my P/Ts up for review before then. Rob may as well but he might just wait until he's had a chance to check out the stock. Wilkey
  12. G

    Bombs away

    Well done, grasshopper. ;) :thumbs: Good ol' days indeed. I'm still enjoying the coffee. I brew up a cup whenever I've got a quiet morning to myself. :) Wilkey
  13. G

    You Learn Something New Every Year Pass aka...This space reserved...

    The box is here. All is in good condition. I'll drop Rob a line to see if we can meet to do PnT this week before Thanksgiving. Wilkey
  14. G

    Silver Hammer

    I guess I've gotten myself on the snub list. :p Nice stuff vintage, Gary! Wilkey
  15. G

    The Pony came in the Mail!

    Well done! Wilkey
  16. G

    Proof that Google

    :thumbs: Wilkey
  17. G

    Proof that Google

    I knew Google was all an seeing god when I Google-earthed my address and saw my blue car, the shrub at the end of my driveway, and the garden plants in front of my porch. :0 Wilkey
  18. G

    Some updates on my disappearance

    Good to hear that you're still alive and kicking. :thumbs: Wilkey
  19. G

    You Learn Something New Every Year Pass aka...This space reserved...

    I am ready to receive! Wilkey PS. I'll contact Bobby Ritz and see if he'd like to meet to do our Peez-n-Teez.
  20. G

    The Musical Cheese Pass

    Got your message loud and clear. I'm here and ready to rock. Wilkey