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  1. OpusXKC

    FDA Decimation- Who's Left Standing?

    Look, logic and reason have never gotten in the way of the government before, why should it start now.
  2. OpusXKC


    A good time with good friends as always, and another reminder to smoke em if you got em.
  3. OpusXKC

    Probably not going to quit my day job....

    Sounds like a sweet gig all around. You're in KC, a traveling man, into cigars...we should have been hanging out months ago ;-)
  4. OpusXKC

    Restrictions lifted on Cuban rum, cigars

    If I'm driving then you have to do the drinkin ;)
  5. OpusXKC

    Obama lifts restrictions on Cuban rum, cigars

    Just cross posted this in General without looking here. Oh well...
  6. OpusXKC

    Restrictions lifted on Cuban rum, cigars

    It's an 11.5 hour drive to Winnipeg from KC...I can do this :):cool: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/10/14/obama-cuba-regulations-expands-trade-travel-rum-cigars/92042662/
  7. OpusXKC

    ARRL Field Day 2016 : Anyone?

    Good day so far...
  8. OpusXKC

    ARRL Field Day 2016 : Anyone?

    Obviously that there are enough "odd balls" on CP to fill the cup. Rod doesn't need it to runneth over :cool:.
  9. OpusXKC

    ARRL Field Day 2016 : Anyone?

    I knew there would be a few hams around ;). So in traditional radio fashion things aren't going according to plan. Brought the kit out to testing things the other day and found that my qrp rig is only producing a carrier and not transmitting audio as expected. Time to bust out the multimeter...
  10. OpusXKC

    ARRL Field Day 2016 : Anyone?

    So like many, I have varied and eclectic interests, amongst them is amateur radio. This month, the weekend of June 25th specifically is an event where kickass nerds like me, go outside and take our fancy radios out into the world to make contacts, listen to ye olde morse code, or talk to space...
  11. OpusXKC

    Blade Show in Atlanta?

    Not this time. Actually I've never made it. Say hi to the guys from Grindhouse Knives, Sheepdog Knives, and Sniper Bladeworks.
  12. OpusXKC

    The Pleasure of Traditional Shaving

    Sounds like you've got the technique down. Perhaps try some other products, since you aren't digging the brushless cream. I personally love the C.O. Bigelow (re-branded Proraso) cream from Bath and Body Works.
  13. OpusXKC

    Homebrewers - What are you Brewing - Post a Pic

    making a grapefruit session ipa and drinking my prune exta stout.
  14. OpusXKC

    Drew Estates booze

    So how much cologne do you blend with rye to get that perfect match to an Acid Blondie?
  15. OpusXKC

    6 years, just like that.

    Damn right it was....oh the good old days
  16. OpusXKC

    6 years, just like that.

    Congrats on 6 years, they certainly go fast. How I got to 10 and missed it I have no idea o_O On the best memory front, mine is the same as Bsneed51s. Hell, he was there :D. The 2008 Outlaw Padron party saw a great turn out of CP BOTLs and after a long day of bombing each other, joking...
  17. OpusXKC

    Cigarpass Book Thread

    I'm going to show my inner nerd by suggesting Ready Player One. If you want an enjoyable romp through a continuous 80's reference of video game awesomeness, this is up your alley .
  18. OpusXKC

    What beer did you drink today (2016)

    Opened the first bottle of my new Latte Stout (Buffalo Sweat clone, vanilla beans, coffee). It was good :)