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Search results

  1. Strayvector

    Best hand gun for concealed carry?

    Did you happen to see this recall on the Shield?   http://www.gunsandammo.com/2013/08/23/smith-wesson-issues-safety-recall-for-mp-shield-pistols/
  2. Strayvector

    Best hand gun for concealed carry?

    Good to hear.  Looking forward to picking it up later today.
  3. Strayvector

    Best hand gun for concealed carry?

    I picked up a Ruger LC9 NRA Special Edition for winning a local Hold'em Tourney.  Anyone with experience with this hand gun?
  4. Strayvector

    I have sad news.

    Brian and Randy, two of the finest men I've known.  I still have two cigars on the top rack of my humidor to remind me of Brian.  They were meant to be shared with him on my next trip to San Diego.
  5. Strayvector

    Memorial website for our brother sigar_zealot

    Friends, if you'd like to pay your respects to Randy and are in the Tucson area, his wake is scheduled next Sunday at noon.  It will be held at his house and if you'd like to attend, please PM me and I will provide their address and directions.  Also, if you'd like to say a few words about him...
  6. Strayvector

    Urgent prayers for our brother sigar_zealot

    I'm heartbroken to have had to say goodbye to him.  He has been one of my closest friends over the last couple of years and we've shared many cigars and rounds of golf.  I will always remember him for his incredible joy, humor, generosity and the love he has for his family.  A great husband, a...
  7. Strayvector

    Urgent prayers for our brother sigar_zealot

    Just a quick update.  The doctors are going to keep him under for at least another week, so please keep him and his family in your prayers.  Thank you all for your positive thoughts and prayers.
  8. Strayvector

    Urgent prayers for our brother sigar_zealot

    Just came home from visiting him.  His surgery initially went well, but as they were finishing up, he had a severe allergic reaction to one of the drugs they gave him.  This then triggered all the complications of the past two days.  He'll remain in an induced coma for the next few days while a...
  9. Strayvector

    Just got engaged

  10. Strayvector

    Urgent prayers for our brother sigar_zealot

    Thank you everyone.  Please continue the prayers as the news this morning is not good.  They are transferring him to another hospital for specialized care and are keeping him in an induced coma.
  11. Strayvector

    Urgent prayers for our brother sigar_zealot

    I don't want to intrude too much on his and his family's privacy, but I just want to let everyone know that although he's made it through the night, he's still far from being out of the woods. Guardedly optimistic, but please keep praying for him.   
  12. Strayvector

    Urgent prayers for our brother sigar_zealot

    Please say a prayer for our brother Randy.  He went in for heart surgery this morning and they are still working on him 12 hours later.  Please pray for him and his family.  I'm sorry I won't be able to stick around this evening to answer questions, but he needs our prayers urgently.
  13. Strayvector

    Thank you!

    Well done on both sides!
  14. Strayvector

    My Man Cave / Britishfields Pub Lounge

    What's with topping old threads there, Todd?  Perfectly done though, since I missed this the first time.   Nice set up, John.  I'll have to show my wife and see if she'll let me build and set up a nice pub room like yours.
  15. Strayvector

    My Scotch Room

    Pictures don't do it justice, my friend.  Looks much nicer in real life.
  16. Strayvector

    Min Ron Nee

    I have a signed copy of the book, but because of if, I don't open it as often as I'd like.  I'd like to find another copy for everyday perusal, but the new one will also do.
  17. Strayvector

    All Things Golf

    Anyone here play with the Ping G25 or G20?  Any thoughts on the sticks? After the fitting last week, trying to make the decision on whether to go cheap and get used G20s or treat myself to some new G25s.  An unexpected find and purchase of an intact box of Tatuaje Jasons tell me that I should go...
  18. Strayvector

    Kids are turds

    We've been lucky with our girls (9 and 14).  They seem to have inherited our love of travel.  They've endured 14 hour plane journeys and 4100 mile road trips and all the while asking where to for the next vacation.
  19. Strayvector

    All Things Golf

    You're getting old, Gary.  That's your stamina talking. :)  Me on the other hand...I try to score as high as I can during the first nine, and then brag how I scored lower coming in.