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  1. StinkiMonki

    FFOX Opus 22 2008 Group Buy Round II

    5 15 22 7 12 4 10 16 21 14 2 20 17 11 1 6 19 3 8 13 9 18
  2. StinkiMonki

    Happy Birthday WigWam!

    Happy Birthday Kumar!
  3. StinkiMonki

    Rose bowl bet

    Edit: Double Post
  4. StinkiMonki

    Rose bowl bet

    Nice. I missed this thread, and the chance to hit you again, completely! How about the first game of the next season in the Shoe? Nice to see my Trojans roll all over yet another Big-10 team. Geoff
  5. StinkiMonki

    "Formal" MFG. Introduction -- Dion Giolito, illusione cigars

    ECCJ Hunting.....must get more....
  6. StinkiMonki

    Happy 21st Ben! (BFisher88)

    The next milestone is 65. Hang on! Happy Birthday Fish! Geoff
  7. StinkiMonki

    Happy B-Day Chris (hermit11)

    Happy Birthday Chris! Geoff
  8. StinkiMonki

    The GAS Pass 2009

    I only read the first 45 rules of Spy v Spy and now I'm lost. Someone just shoot me early. :cool: ESG Torpedo? Very nice Jeff! Geoff
  9. StinkiMonki

    How to start a lounge?

    First consideration: Can you move to another state and do this?
  10. StinkiMonki

    SoCal || Tatuaje Event with UFC

    Thanks for coming out to the lounge last night everyone. You always make the events great. Geoff
  11. StinkiMonki

    SoCal || Tatuaje Event with UFC

    Very nice sir.
  12. StinkiMonki

    SoCal || Tatuaje Event with UFC

    I'll be there until the end singing Fight On! :cool:
  13. StinkiMonki

    Don Carlos Edicion de Aniversario 2006 Robusto

    Yet another nice review. I revisited this smoke last Tuesday and it still ranks as one of my favorites. Geoff
  14. StinkiMonki

    SoCal || Tatuaje Event with UFC

    You early birds will be just fine. Pete said he is going to be there at 5 so you will be able to shoot the shit for awhile if you have to leave early. Stinki
  15. StinkiMonki

    SoCal || Tatuaje Event with UFC

    See, like I said in another thread, Soulpuppy is a big pussy! :sign: Love ya five-oh! Stinki
  16. StinkiMonki

    Wigwam Motel Herf [photos]

    Very cool pics Kumar. I wish I could have made it out that day. Geoff
  17. StinkiMonki

    What would you REGIFT?

    I'd like to regift anything that was made by Rocky Patel, was purchased from an infomercial, or junk bought at a seasonal kiosk at the mall. I'd like my wife to regift anything that covers up her breasts. Merry Christmas! Stinki
  18. StinkiMonki

    SoCal || Tatuaje Event with UFC

    Are you prepared to wear an SC jersey? :cool:
  19. StinkiMonki

    Oh Happy Day!

    Congrats brother! What a great Christmas present for you to receive. LOL
  20. StinkiMonki

    SoCal || Tatuaje Event with UFC

    First post updated! Promotional extras! Geoff