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Search results

  1. davidr2340

    Blind 5'er anyone...

    You got it fellas... Wyatt, Dean, GAME ON!!! :thumbs: Good luck... And, GO HAWKS!!!
  2. davidr2340

    Blind 5'er anyone...

    Oops... What's the line, 5 1/2 or something like that??? I'll give ya that!!! :thumbs:
  3. davidr2340

    Blind 5'er anyone...

    I'll take my Hawks straight up for a blind 5'er...
  4. davidr2340

    Maxim's De Paris --

    Wow, Sorry this took me so long fellas! Life keeps getting in the way!!! Also, my reviews tend to be a little on the "simple" side... don't mind me!!! A couple weeks back, the GF and I headed away for a much neede break. I brought a few smokes with me, and Maxim's de Paris Omnibus was one...
  5. davidr2340

    Recharging the batteries...

    Look forward to the pics bro!!! Come on... I'm new to the whole laptop thing, and this was the first time I got to take it somewhere!!! Cut me a LITTLE slack!!! ;)
  6. davidr2340

    Recharging the batteries...

    Here are a few random pics... Front of the cabin, 2BR, full kitchen, hot tub, Living room, View off the deck, Me smoking something...??? Deer right out our front door. I can't even count the number of deer we saw this weekend! All in all, a DAMN NICE weekend!!! The girlfriend was...
  7. davidr2340

    Puppy Pass III

    Another one bro!?!? :laugh: Great dogs ALL of you! I would love to play... But, NO DOG FOR ME!!! :angry: Just a couple of fur balls!!! This should be a blast to watch fellas!!!
  8. davidr2340

    CP's "Cigar 101" Newbie Pass

    I agree, should be fun to watch!!! Have fun!!!
  9. davidr2340


    Great review bro! Like many others, I like these as well! I'm with you LilBastage, they are unique, and I like that!!! :thumbs:
  10. davidr2340

    Maxim's De Paris --

    Bump... I'm smoking this as I type now. I should have a review up sometime tomorrow after I get home!
  11. davidr2340

    Recharging the batteries...

    Well the last few months for me have been VERY hectic! Pretty much just WORK!!! I have also been trying to cut down on "computer" time, so I haven't been around CP as much as usual. So, I decided to suprise the GF with a little weekend trip to Winthrop for her Birthday coming up on the 5th...
  12. davidr2340

    artistry or proof i have way too much time?

    A little late... But here are the two we carved! Can you guess wich is the one I did! All the other ones are AMAZING... Damn nice work fellas!!!
  13. davidr2340

    New Cigar

    If the price is reasonable... IN!!! :thumbs:
  14. davidr2340

    Recent Purchases

    Nothing all that special... but, I'm on a little gettaway for the weekend with the GF, and found 2005 Alaskan Smoked Porter! Now, I'm pretty damn far off the beaten path here in Winthrop, WA! Picked up that, some Arrogant Bastard, and a case of Snow Cap Ale... Should be good weekend!!! :thumbs:
  15. davidr2340

    Guitar Hero III

    This will be added to my small game collection FOR SURE!!! :thumbs:
  16. davidr2340

    BIF - The CigarPass Inaugural Beer It Foward Pass

    Very nice bro... well done!!! I'll have to see if I can put a lil' somethin' together...
  17. davidr2340

    Recent Purchases

    I hate BOTH of you!!! ;)
  18. davidr2340

    Had to show you this...

    x2 Bruce!!! Goose bumps for sure!!!
  19. davidr2340

    Bundle or Low Cost Cigar Reviews

    Sounds good bro... Ok fellas, who's going to be first??? ??? I'll try and find some time this weekend to choke, uh... I mean SMOKE one or two of these!!! :thumbs:
  20. davidr2340

    Recent Purchases

    A case... :love: One of my favs!!! Nice score!!!