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Search results

  1. davidr2340

    CP College Bowl Tournament - Final!

    Thanks for the invite, and contest bro! Winner - cookie_1978 Total Points - 440 points BCS Outcome - LSU 28, OSU 27 :thumbs:
  2. davidr2340

    For the horror fans

    I couldn't have said that better myself bro!!! :thumbs:
  3. davidr2340

    Christmas Parties and food choices

    Right on bro... My mom does the same thing!!! And I love her lasagna!!! :thumbs: Some damn fine soundin' eats in this thread!!!
  4. davidr2340

    Christmas contest...

    Very nice Putz!!! :thumbs: Keep 'em comin'!!!
  5. davidr2340

    Christmas contest...

    Come on guys and gals!!! 9 days left, and we only have 3 entries so far... firehousesmoke, tasman, and Kingantz!!! Let's see 'em!!! :thumbs:
  6. davidr2340

    Cruise Time (UPDATE)

    Enjoy the hell out of the trip bro... I'm envious, and overdue for a vacation!!! :thumbs: Have a blast, and bring out the "good stuff" to smoke!!! I'll fire up one of the amazing smokes you bombed my ass with... In your honor!!! ;)
  7. davidr2340

    Happy Birthday Jon (Jhawk)!

    Jon, Happy Birthday bro... Hope you had a great one!!! :thumbs:
  8. davidr2340

    Tropical Fish, anyone have a fish tank?

    BASTID!!! ;) Awesome choice bro!!! My dad bought mine for me as my "gift", so I had to keep the price down! Would love to see your progress as you get it set up!!! Also, I've been checking this forum out quite a bit! Tons of great info, and some pretty damn amazing smaller tanks!!!
  9. davidr2340

    ...holy crap, I've got ANTZ...!

    Greg, trust me when I say this... You picked one helluva target!!! :thumbs: Both of you guys are top notch!!!
  10. davidr2340

    Tropical Fish, anyone have a fish tank?

    Well, It's official... Getting a 24gal. Nano Cube for Christmas! Actually, I should have it before then! I'll keep you all posted as the set up goes along!!! Man, I can't wait!!! :thumbs:
  11. davidr2340

    Recent Purchases

    Picked up a couple yesterday... Lagunitas Cappuccino St. Bernardus Christmas Ale! (Finally found some!!!) And, Pike Auld Acquaintance Happy Holiday Ale... I've had none of these before!
  12. davidr2340

    You know who you are! And I say thanks.

    That's good stuff right there... Bill is a helluva target!!! Nice play!!!
  13. davidr2340

    BlindedByScience Turns 50!

    50 huh... WOW!!! ??? Tom, It sounds like you are having a very nice Birthday. You deserve it bro. You my friend, are truely one of the "good guys"!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOM!!!
  14. davidr2340

    Tropical Fish, anyone have a fish tank?

    Damn bro... YOU SUCK FOR POSTING THIS!!! :thumbs: AMAZING!!! Makes me really want to get back into it!!! I had a 30gal. set-up for a few years. My Petsmart has a 12gal. set-up that I really want to get... It's similar to this... Just don't have the room in this house for a big tank...
  15. davidr2340

    Tropical Fish, anyone have a fish tank?

    Damn bro... YOU SUCK FOR POSTING THIS!!! :thumbs: AMAZING!!! Makes me really want to get back into it!!! I had a 30gal. set-up for a few years. My Petsmart has a 12gal. set-up that I really want to get... It's similar to this... Just don't have the room in this house for a big tank...
  16. davidr2340

    Raising a glass of Johnnie Walker Blue Label...

    Nothing wrong at all bro!!! :thumbs:
  17. davidr2340

    Installing an inground Pool

    Nice Marc... Is that yours bro??? BUILD ONE LIKE THAT!!! Looks like heaven bro!!!
  18. davidr2340

    Happy Birthday, Seadub!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!!! Smoke the "good stuff" today bro!!! :thumbs:
  19. davidr2340

    Raising a glass of Johnnie Walker Blue Label...

    Come on bro... I felt like I just read the back of a highschool yearbook!!! ;) I'm with you, this place really is something special!!! Nice post bro!!! :thumbs:
  20. davidr2340

    Happy B-Day John (jfields)

    40... Man, I turned 30 this year, and I though I was old!!! :0 Just messin' with ya bro... Enjoy the hell out of it, and smoke something good!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!!! :thumbs: