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  1. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    Enjoyed reading this! Cheers!
  2. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    That's some funny stuff right there!
  3. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    Just picked up a cabinet of these 2013 Juan Lopez #2! One of the smoothest sticks I've ever smoked. Loved it!
  4. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    Having a lovely dry boxed Serie D #4 while my dad "and I" finish this european mount on this little buck we got a couple days ago. As if you didnt know, that's my hand with no glove on the gar. Someone had to supervise!
  5. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    This was a special one for me tonight! Got to spend some time with my Mom and Dad back home. After a wonderful home smoked brisket cooked by my dad, we enjoyed some Trinidad cigarillos.
  6. Reuben

    What’s Your Latest Purchase - 2019

    Wow! Thats an incredible aquisition!
  7. Reuben

    What’s Your Latest Purchase - 2019

    I just picked up some of those myself!
  8. Reuben

    What’s Your Latest Purchase - 2019

    That middle pic is so beautiful. Nice selection of sticks
  9. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    Happy Birthday! Nice stick
  10. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    Cheers to all my Brothers of the Leaf! Have a great weekend!
  11. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    Love the ashtray too!
  12. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    Smoking.a Bolivar Soberano LE 2018. First stick from the box. I will definitely age this box a few years, but I wanted to have one for a point of reference. Has potential. Sweet at the start, surprisingly sweet. Then evolved into a young, earthy, cocoo, slight pepper with toasted almond. I...
  13. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    Got it! 👍😎
  14. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    Is the ULA in tubos? Sorry, I dont know what ula stands for. My apologies
  15. Reuben


    Ok. Smoked one of these Anejados last night. It was my second smoke of the night so I was kind of looking for a lighter and smooth creamy smoke. This was a perfect smoke for me and I enjoyed it for that aforementioned reason. Now, I will have to agree that it was not complex, and did not...
  16. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    Thank you Brother Corneighdo! Light and smooth!
  17. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    This is the Montecristo Supremas Limited Edition 2019. It's a 55 ring gauge by about 5 inches long. Released in Italy this past July, it is sweet on the palette initially, then turns to a nice cocoa with hints of toasted almond, a slight earthiness with slight pepper......and then finishes...
  18. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    The dang draw got tight on this thing at the half way point and I could not get the draw right so I ended it early. What a shame it was real good. Switched to Partagas No 4 a
  19. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    Watching the GGG fight at the lounge with the fellas (what a robbery that decision was) and enjoyed this sweet and aromatic Monte #4
  20. Reuben

    Today’s Smoke 2019

    NO....but I still thought the pic would look cool on our site!