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  1. Nihon_Ni


    I quite literally made dozens of different plans to get somewhere that was in the totality path that had good weather. For more than a year we've been planning to fly ourselves to somewhere in the path of totality, thinking that we could adjust locations on eclipse day and go for wherever had...
  2. Nihon_Ni

    Question for foodies

    How would we all keep up with the bromance if this was in text? 🤣
  3. Nihon_Ni

    Fountain Pens 2023 - Anyone?

    I received a new pen and sample inks from Goulet. I bought a few reds and browns, and then got a bonus random sample pack for free, so I have a lot to choose from at the moment. I also bought an inexpensive dip pen to try out all these inks in my work notebook. The new pen is a TWSBI ECO...
  4. Nihon_Ni

    Bird Watchers

    This is a great picture! It is difficult to determine Hairy from Downy when they aren't side by side. Even the size difference is hard to estimate when using binos. The trick I learned is to look at the bill as a ratio of head size. The Downy's bill is only 1/4-1/3 the size of his head...
  5. Nihon_Ni

    Tear in boveda pack and contents leaked onto cigars

    Should we add Boveda pack to the list of humidification devices we can lick? :p
  6. Nihon_Ni

    Fountain Pens 2023 - Anyone?

    I've made a couple purchases from Goulet. Very happy with their service.
  7. Nihon_Ni

    Fountain Pens 2023 - Anyone?

    When I was in college I took an architecture rendering class, and there was a certain style of lettering we had to reproduce. My girlfriend and I would spend hours practicing our handwriting on the bus when we traveled from home to work and back. We would write this sentence over and over...
  8. Nihon_Ni

    Unopened box of Cuesta-Rey No.95 English Market Selection

    I think that idea is a priceless! What a great way to display something of his.
  9. Nihon_Ni

    Fountain Pens 2023 - Anyone?

    I need to either step up my game or stop reading this thread! I've also started hand writing notes to my team members with my fountain pen. The company color is maroon, so I'm considering buying another pen with that color ink for such purposes.
  10. Nihon_Ni

    What's on your plate today?

    Slow cooked scrambled eggs on toasted croissants, topped with lox, creme fraiche and caviar. One of my favorite breakfast dishes!
  11. Nihon_Ni

    What's on your plate today?

    Scallops two ways: bacon wrapped scallops with a honey vinaigrette, and rosemary skewered scallops with mushroom ravioli and bacon cream sauce. I was supposed to make asparagus to go with this but I forgot to cook it. Nevertheless, it was a good start to the Christmas feasting!
  12. Nihon_Ni

    Thought’s Dad Joke Thread

    There are no divorce courts at the North Pole, so when Santa and his wife wanted to split up, they got a semicolon. They're great for separating independent Clauses.
  13. Nihon_Ni

    Anyone follow Formula 1?

    No, it's not. I normally skip the race and just watch the highlights. F1 too often turns out to be a race to turn 1 lap 1. After that it's generally predictable. I'm a fan of all sorts of racing, so I pay attention to F1 but I wouldn't say I'm a fan.
  14. Nihon_Ni

    Anyone follow Formula 1?

    Although the weekend had a tough start, I thought that was one of the more interesting races of the year. I really feel bad for Carlos, I would have liked to see him start from the front.
  15. Nihon_Ni

    Anyone follow Formula 1?

    The weekend is certainly not off to a good start. It's been interesting to follow all the driver's remarks about Las Vegas. Max doesn't realize he is fully in the entertainment business.
  16. Nihon_Ni

    Venison neck roast ..... need recipe.

    I asked my hunter friend to get me some neck meat so I could make stock from it.
  17. Nihon_Ni

    What's on your plate today?

    I spent the morning making soup today. French onion soup (still cooking) and roasted tomato soup, which we had for lunch with a sourdough grilled cheese.
  18. Nihon_Ni

    Bird Watchers

    Just back from a work trip to California where I spotted two rarities. The first was a group of Snow Geese in the Mojave desert, where I spend time at the Marine Corps base in Twentynine Palms. Although there are groups of them spotted nearly every year in San Bernadino county, they are still...
  19. Nihon_Ni

    Good thoughts through the airwaves please

    In fairness, he hasn't posted the dick pic you drunk texted to least, not yet! 🤣
  20. Nihon_Ni

    Thought’s Dad Joke Thread

    What's the difference between Iron Man and Iron Woman? One is a superhero, and the other is a command!