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  1. Turk10mm

    A tummy tuck or eye job's got nothing on this...

    hah! why, to bleach the stain around it off to make it look purty. ahhhhh hahaha
  2. Turk10mm

    A tummy tuck or eye job's got nothing on this...

    hey, i like a good looking set of curtains personally. if it does no harm, and the women are doing it for them to fix something and not because their man wants them to do it, who'm I to judge. Just let me see the after please!
  3. Turk10mm

    My last post!

    Its done! I'm hitched and all that jazz.. Was a fun day. I'll post pictures when I can. Thanks for the well wishes, and the reaper.
  4. Turk10mm

    My last post!

    Tomorrow evening I'm getting married. I'm excited and thrilled that the hurricane didn't screw up our plans. Anyways, next time I post I'll be spoken for! Wish me luck.
  5. Turk10mm

    Batten down the hatches Houston

    wow, I'll have to shoot Ron an email. That sucks! i guess i faired pretty well. power is on tonight and I'm posting from home. For me and mine, all is just about back to normal besides the small hole in the garage roof.. I should become a lumberjack, I've cut down enough trees now to at...
  6. Turk10mm

    Batten down the hatches Houston

    Well, as far as my family and friends are concerned we're all safe. Two houses flooded in Seabrook, one with 4 feet of water. My house has some roof damage and we're without power but I was able to score a generator so we have lights, fans, microwave, and tv. Every house in my group of...
  7. Turk10mm

    Batten down the hatches Houston

    looks like I'll get the chance to take pictures during the eye! too bad it won't be during the daylight or i'd get some fantastic pictures.. oh well.. all is boarded up, we're ready.. I'll be back on the flip, wish us luck.
  8. Turk10mm

    Batten down the hatches Houston

    Hopefully I'll be back on in a couple days but tomorrow we're boarding up, sending the women and children northwest and hangin tight. Good luck Texas Gulf Coast brothers. League City, out!
  9. Turk10mm

    Another Ebay farce

    Ditto on BBS.. Its available amperage shouldn't effect your laptop as long as it isn't below the required current required. Your laptop can't physically take in more than it needs as long as the voltage is correct.
  10. Turk10mm

    Hurricane Ike

    Looks like the only problem use central to north Texas coast folks have to worry about now is the trough coming out of the rockies. Two of the more accurate long range projections both have the trough dumping into texas just in time to veer Ike North on Friday. They were very accurate for...
  11. Turk10mm


    he's exactly right. In order to get that kind of cooling its got to be a compressor. It'll be dry as the Sahara in there and far too chilly.
  12. Turk10mm

    Some ISOM info please?

    actually, the seedlings are probably growing and haven't been planted in the fields yet. However, I'm sure the prices will go up anyways. I can't be certain, but i believe they would normally go in the ground later this month.
  13. Turk10mm

    Hurricane Ike

    Rich, you don't need another. I stayed for Rita last time, but we barely got any wind. Good news for us here is that it looks like its taking a more westerly route. Well wishes for the South Texas Coast brothers. Never know though, so we're still on alert.
  14. Turk10mm

    Hurricane Ike

    Well, it looks like Ike is making a b-line for Galveston. I'm typically down for a good hurricane, gives me a chance to revert back to caveman status with sending the women off, packing guns, stocking up on beanie weenies, gasoline, and all the stuff a man might need in a short term apocalypse...
  15. Turk10mm

    Who wants to adopt a dog?

    I have a buddy that has 3 rescue pit bulls. They are the sweetest dogs in the world. They rough house together, but its never violent. He also has a cat that rules the house. The right dog with the right owner and you can rehab any animal in my opinion.
  16. Turk10mm

    October Scotch Buy teaser

    I think I made 3 in a row until the last go around. :( I can't wait!
  17. Turk10mm


    I saw that! I think 2 mil is probably forever out of my league for a liquor purchase. I'd consider myself extremely lucky if I ever owned a home that was worth half that.
  18. Turk10mm


    Against my better judgment I have poured out a full ounce of this luscious elixir. I have already had two tiny tastes throughout the evening but I owe it to myself and my fellow CigarPass brethren to do a review. Ok, mostly myself! This bottle was gifted to me by my boss in appreciation of...
  19. Turk10mm

    Impress without going broke?

    That would be the last cigar that person would ever receive from me. Personally, Fuente Hemingway Pepin Blue Padron 64
  20. Turk10mm

    My turn to show off

    Well, my boss gave me a gift today for my wedding and my two year anniversary of working with my company. I'm completely floored by the gift. Should I open it or save it.