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  1. Turk10mm

    Padrón 1926 Serie No.35

    this is the cigar i purchased to provide my wedding guests. they went over very well. not too long, so people could smoke and not have to be gone for very long. love em
  2. Turk10mm

    How to ccok venison

    a nice way of getting some of the game taste out is to soak the meat in buttermilk for a few days. Soak it already cut to the size you plan to cook. My favorite way to cook backstrap is to pound the hell out of it with a meat hammer and then country fry with cream gravy. MArinating and...
  3. Turk10mm

    Hunting - The CigarPass way

    not much chance of a front bumper being the last thing on their mind on our piece, but starvation is only a heartbeat away in west texas. We feed protein and corn to supplement their diet. you should see the doe with fawn, they look pretty thin at times of the year. We have one right now with...
  4. Turk10mm

    Hunting - The CigarPass way

    but in comparison to 165, its an amazing reduction. Also, those db levels are in front of the rifle. I'm sure being behind the rifle the db levels are lower. It really does make a vast improvement than without. Do i need one? absolutely not. But hey, I don't need cigars either and I have...
  5. Turk10mm

    Hunting - The CigarPass way

    you make it down here on a weekend that I'm going hunting and you got a rack to sleep in! Here are some results on the suppressor I own. Without 164.76 dB With 136.01 Reduction 28.75 dB
  6. Turk10mm

    Hunting - The CigarPass way

    Suppressing any firearm with bullet velocity above the speed of sound is "pointless." I use them because I shoot several hundred rounds or more a week. A suppressed AR is not quiet by any stretch, but its no louder than a 22. The concussion from a 5.56 is pretty high for its size, and this...
  7. Turk10mm

    Hunting - The CigarPass way

    ahh hah, someone who knows.. its a phantom. my next second phantom has the paperwork in as we speak. 7.62, for the 308. I shoot so much lately, it'll really save in the long run. My sbr paperwork for the AR is also in. I've taken a hog with a knife when I was in my early 20's. No dog...
  8. Turk10mm

    Hunting - The CigarPass way

    Doc, you hunt your way and I'll hunt mine. Don't down play me and say that I give hunters a bad name and I won't think your an ass for trashing my post.
  9. Turk10mm

    Hunting - The CigarPass way

    Gawl, you can find affordable leases, typically. they may not have the numbers or sizes that some hunters are after.. You can also hunt in the national forest. Just check the laws, its been a few years since I've hunted the national forest. The state forest you have to apply and get a...
  10. Turk10mm

    Hunting - The CigarPass way

    I guess we won't ever agree. Our cause is to have a place to retreat, provide a wildlife habitat, a place to enjoy the outdoors, and fill the freezer with meat when its necessary. This use falls within the definition of "hunting" (below). I will absolutely agree with you that we have a...
  11. Turk10mm

    Hunting - The CigarPass way

    indigenous? well all the white tail are. And many of the animals that are considered exotics are now being considered indigenous by the biologists. In fact, many of the animals do better in Texas than they do in their home ecosystems because they aren't poached into extinction and their...
  12. Turk10mm

    Hunting - The CigarPass way

    Its is a managed property, by us. There is no pay hunting on our property, EVER. We high fenced the property to build our own family sanctuary. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, the animals thrive so well on the property that they overpopulate and require...
  13. Turk10mm

    Hunting - The CigarPass way

    haha, that's not my kill, just a picture of what walked up on me. i didn't have time to shoot him. and Doc, I do my fair share of real hunting, I don't need to come to Vermont. I've taken a buck at roughly 550 yards in West Texas that I tracked for the better part of 2 miles in extremely...
  14. Turk10mm

    Hunting - The CigarPass way

    the hardest part of the hunt is dragging your kill up the hill to the house.. i'd never actually consider shooting off the back porch hunting, however. But there's really neat places to stalk your prey, and the most gorgeous cliff I've ever seen in Texas to sit on the top of and watch the...
  15. Turk10mm

    Hunting - The CigarPass way

    So I went to the ranch this weekend for a little R&R. I went with my father-in-law who also enjoys good cigars, and his buddy. We got there on Friday morning after a 5 hour drive to the Texas hillcountry. We set up shop, which of course required a nice gar and a glass of whisky. After...
  16. Turk10mm

    Pop's can't read too well

    my great grandfather smoked a box a week, and he was a real piece of work. My great grandmother had a large ashtray that sat on a skinny table on wheels. My great grandfather would light his cigar in his right hand and my great grandmother would roll the ashtray up for him on his right side...
  17. Turk10mm

    Looking for an AR-15 Dealer

    I hunt ferral hogs, coyotes, rodents, small game, and anyone who decides to come in my home uninvited. Just before, during, and after the hurricane my AR sat poised between my passenger seat and console until order was restored. My firearms aren't for intimidation. Anyone who gets sub moa...
  18. Turk10mm


    Wow, my friend received a price list from the store in Aruba and the prices are over 200% of what he currently pays. My friend will be taking his own with him. :) Thanks for the assistance, my friend thanks you.
  19. Turk10mm

    Looking for an AR-15 Dealer

    no way any full auto is going to make a 2" grouping at 100 yards in auto or burst fire. There's just too much going on between recoil, action moving, etc. I shoot a precision 308 that shoots .25" groups and that's single shot, excellent optics, very accurate action and custom barrel. My AR...
  20. Turk10mm

    Small Firearms suggestions

    good call. thanks for the modification. If you want to convert your stocked shotgun to an AOW, I believe you can fill out a form 1 to make a firearm, but that stamp is $200.