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  1. Turk10mm

    This is strictly a LOOK AT ME post

    so, considering its from my birth year and all, if I showed up at your door step you'd crack it.... right? :p
  2. Turk10mm

    Are you ready Pt. 2

    my last run through the duty free in Miami and Aruba was pretty fruitless. The only things I saw were standard duty free fare. I don't think I've ever even see Balvenie in a duty free.
  3. Turk10mm

    For the parent's out there...

    I'm going to agree with you, but at the same time disagree. My wife just found out that one of her best friends' relatives daughter was being abused by the daddy. The little girl apparently had shown some signs along the way that weren't picked up on. She would pose for photographs, sometimes...
  4. Turk10mm

    Dog owners, please help....

    Darren, From one dog lover to another, I wish you and Mickey the best. My pooch is laying on my feet as we speak as a testament to how good the vets really can be. Keep us in the loop. Some appropriate dog quotes from throughout the ages. I think we are drawn to dogs because they are the...
  5. Turk10mm

    Any tips on cooling off a room?

    Ok, so I have my dedicated man room that my wife so graciously donated to me, from HER house before we were married. Basically, when we were just dating I moved in and immediately got some realestate of my own. Well, in my man room is my Aristocrat Temp Controlled Humidor, computer equipment...
  6. Turk10mm

    Officer down in Big D...

    and when they make a mistake, or have a tough judgment call, they get hung by the media and all those that don't know any better. you couldn't pay me to do their hard job. I'd end up either losing my patience (bad), or losing my mind (worse). You can't reason with criminals. But then, I'm...
  7. Turk10mm

    A slimmer verison of CP

    I don't think the calculator is very accurate, I'm more than 22, probably closer to 30. My perfect weight, was 235 when I was 22. That was 9% body fat. So at 235, there was roughly 20lbs of fat and 210 lean mass. At 310, that would be 100lbs of fat on 210 lean mass. God, 100lbs of fat...
  8. Turk10mm

    Upgraded Humidor Protection

    haha, ya, that thing is BAD!
  9. Turk10mm

    Upgraded Humidor Protection

    I'll probably get a custom built GAP rifle. I currently have a Nightforce 3.5x15 on my 308, which should handle 1000 yards. I haven't even gotten to loading equipment yet. I'll have to if I go to the 338. If I go the 338 route it'll be a Surgeon XL action, coupled with a brake to soften the...
  10. Turk10mm

    Upgraded Humidor Protection

    Yikes, I bet that sucker costs a pretty penny to shoot. Nice rig! I'd put a 7.5" barrel and a suppressor on that bad boy. And then I'd get a loan for more 10mm ammo. :) I don't have any decent shots of my Glock 20, and its in the room where the Mrs. is sleeping, so I'll have to get one...
  11. Turk10mm

    Upgraded Humidor Protection

    Ery, you are right on some levels, but the good thing is the ATF is so disorganized, they wouldn't know me from adam. My paperwork is exactly that, paper. I got one original back and they filed one original. They don't have any idea what's actually out there and I've even talked to an...
  12. Turk10mm

    Upgraded Humidor Protection

    haha, ya, my neighbors all know to come to my house or call me if the SHTF. They see me crate them out to the truck on an almost weekly basis. When I first moved in I got a bunch of weird looks, but several have gone to the range with me and now I'm the resident "gun expert." Even though I'm...
  13. Turk10mm

    I'm going to lose 100 lbs.

    Hey bro, I'm on a workout kick with you. I started 2 months ago at 335 and I think I'll break 310 tomorrow morning, I was 311 today. I'm looking for 265 at 13% body fat.. I've been working out 4 days a week, tracking my calories, and drinking the heck out of water. At this point I'm having...
  14. Turk10mm

    Upgraded Humidor Protection

    I've got 3k rounds for it currently. I plan on picking up a thousand at a time when I find the good stuff at the right prices. Once I have 10k stacked deep I'll be good to go for a while, hopefully forever. My 308 has 1000 rounds, my 10mm has 2000, and my 40 has 1000. God help me if there's...
  15. Turk10mm

    Upgraded Humidor Protection

    Some of you may have seen my post about my new humidor, and the protection for my new humidor. If not, here's the pic of the previous version of the protection. Well, a few bucks, a few months waiting for BATFE approvals, and some wrench time and she's been upgraded. The downside, she's...
  16. Turk10mm

    I am trying to find the positives...

    Jon, sorry to hear the bad news. Its great that you have a glass-half-full attitude. It'll carry you through life with a smile! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Tony
  17. Turk10mm


    I have a Canon 40d and LOVE it. Nowadays the hardest part of shooting is post processing. Its not like it used to be, you can screw up your exposure and still end up with a perfect picture. Have fun, its addicting.
  18. Turk10mm

    Dog owners, please help....

    I just wanted to add, the chances of it reoccurring are rare. Its not a disease that typically effects more than one disc. So chances are you'll have a healthy happy dog afterward.
  19. Turk10mm

    Dog owners, please help....

    Darren, My dog had the same thing you are describing, but it was instant, not gradual. He arched his back and started crying. He was in so much pain he would crawl in my lap and then couldn't stand me touching him. I took him to the er vet and they xray'd him without any luck. They gave me...
  20. Turk10mm

    Pre Christmas Mini Vacation

    mmm mm.. the gobbler was pretty good. Unfortunately the dark meat on wild birds isn't as fatty as a grocery store bird, and the breast meat is a little drier as well, but we injected him with some seasonings and deep fried him this evening. It makes it taste that much better when you know he...